
a REAL LIFE Songwriter's Circle - Would you go?!

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James Nighthawk

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« on: April 06, 2013, 12:56:47 AM »
Hey gang. Question....

If there was a place local to you where you could drop in, say once a month, to sit with a group of other songwriters and share your music, would you go?

I am considering trialling such a venture at my studio. At first it would be free - just for the fun of it. If it took off I suppose I could consider charging £2-3 per head, as a cover fee (including refreshments!)

The idea is that say 6-12 people turn up. We go round, play a song, then hear feedback from the group (constructive and friendly ONLY will be one of the few "rules"). I'd provide a Stage piano and PA, but I would guess most people would be acoustic guitar so wouldn't need more than a stool and a captive audience :) I suppose those that don't like playing live could bring a CD/iPod recording instead...

Before I advertise it at my studio and local gig venues/guitar shops etc, I wanted to see if it would be something that people would go for? I wonder if writers are the "group" type, or whether shyness would prevail

Please let me know if this would be something you personally would go to. And of course ANY other ideas linked to making it work most appreciated :)

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« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 06:20:27 AM »
Sounds interesting.

My wife who is a Yoga teacher has an occasional get-together with other teachers to discuss methods and experiences and generally prop each-other up I think.

I have kept most of my ideas to myself for fear of being ripped off but I have to get over that and your idea could help. Some of us old-school writers really do need to get out more ;)

Sounds like a very healthy thing to do.
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« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 08:26:18 AM »
Yeah I think it sounds like an interesting idea, for someone like me who usually works alone it would be helpful to have input/support from others. I think discussion would have to be managed - at least for the first half of the session (I've been to an awful meetup -it was a comic book group - where the louder members just dominated the conversation and lots of us just ended up sitting in silence not being able to get a word in edgeways)


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« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 09:16:09 AM »
Hey James

I am already a part of one! In my home town Retford there's pretty much the exact same set up as what you're getting at; every thursday a group of songwriters descend upon Swanyard recording studio. We have a play, both finished and w.I.p. ideas, then give some genuine feed back

The atmosphere is great. Collaborations are rampant. Two of the guys that come aren't even musicians, they're POETS. They've given songwriting a stab, so us "musos" help with melody/music and try to convert poetry to lyrics (not as easy as.it sounds! What's good on paper isn't always great sung)

We pay what to many is a whopping £5 each time you go. But aside from tea, that money goes towards recording time. Every 6 months or so we record an album of local artists, have an album launch night. Stuff like that.

The experience is fantastic. I used to be a serious "bed room".musician, but reVerb project has totally helped me get the confidence to write AND perform. You quickly make friends that love doing what you love. Plus I'm a recorded artist now!

If you want any info on how my group works PM me. It's a great idea, and keeps local music scenes alive and kicking

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Except talking.

That's about the same.


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« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 10:03:43 AM »
Who wouldn't want to go to an event such as this? :D Seriously, if it were near me, you wouldn't be able to beat me away with a shitty stick.

@Shinythang - I've yet to come across another songwriter who's interested in ripping off anyone else's work - it's a real shame to let this fear get in the way of putting your music out there.

Let us know how it goes, James :)
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« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 10:28:38 AM »
I think its a great idea, I say go for it, i wouldnt expect an overnight success but word of mouth will get round.
I would love it if there was something like this near me. face to face feedback is the best, people will go in their own little huddle and show them parts on guitar that they think they can do to improve a song.
You would have your very own tin pan alley going on!


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« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2013, 12:02:27 PM »
Hey JN

This is a fantastic idea both in terms of the "studio" and helping create a songwriting community

I agree with the other comments that an event like this needs to be "hosted" (managed) to give everyone a fair chance

I would say a piano, guitar, PA and ipod hook up would be perfectly fine

I would be tempted to look in to taking it a step further and introduce short (20min) "workshops"/talks/lessons on different elements of songwriting - eg next week I have invited ###### along to give us a talk on different approaches to writing lyrics

The topics are endless eg: finding song ideas, song structure, beating writers block, writing melody, songwriting theory, chords, topline melody, harmonies etc. etc. etc.

I think this approach could add some structure and place you in more of a unique position between running a "songwriting" course and a simple songwriting circle - more like a "songwriter's coaching circle"

You could even encourage members to use the techniques discussed in a previous session in the next session

I would definitely have a charge - around £3 or £4 - but everyone would get the first 1 or 2 sessions free as a trial

I would encourage some type of "membership" where people have the option to pay for the year, perhaps with a discount, so you get a bit of commitment and you know costs will be covered (although I apreciate this is not purely commercial)

Sounds like it would be great!
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« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 01:13:07 PM »
great idea...you live too far away from me to join....and i would probably be a member that would take a cd, but i think i would go and try it if something like that was near here

perhaps.... one day we can have one of these sessions with a group of songwriters from the forum...or a jam session with fellow forumites??

( i am still having this weird idea of a live meeting once...an open mic night for forumites???, or something like that)


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« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 01:26:38 PM »
Cracker of an idea JN... it would help build a songwriting community, generate new and fresh ideas, provide so much helpful feedback. Who knows what could be possible with so many creative juices flowing at once in a confined space... unfortunately owing to my location I can't avail of such a fantastic opportunity but I can only imagine how incredibly helpful this will be to those fortunate enough to attend :)


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« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 05:47:14 PM »
Hi James,

I would be interested in this it sounds great! Alice is right it is quite a solitary thing songwriting sometimes so it would be nice to get involved in a songwriters circle!

Great idea  ;)



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« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2013, 06:10:18 PM »
great idea...you live too far away from me to join....and i would probably be a member that would take a cd, but i think i would go and try it if something like that was near here

perhaps.... one day we can have one of these sessions with a group of songwriters from the forum...or a jam session with fellow forumites??

( i am still having this weird idea of a live meeting once...an open mic night for forumites???, or something like that)

I think we should do this , pick a date and hire a venue and lets jam ;D

James Nighthawk

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« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2013, 06:59:41 PM »
Hey all

Wow that is a lot of responses, and 100% positive! I think I should make a goer of this and sharpish!
Good responses, in no order:

Yes, I would act as mediator, "running" the show to make sure everyone gets heard and it doesn't descend into chaos! And the idea of a theme is great, I would probably wing-it first time round and use the feedback to tailor a discussion from there onwards...

@Mr chainsaw I may well take you up on that if questions come to mind, but the feedback in your post is plenty to get rolling with. Glad to hear this does work!

@boydie I am thinking the first session free for all. Perhaps the second too. Thereafter, any new members get their first free, everyone else £3. If it is two hours say, with tea and coffee on hand, that is a cheap way to spend two hours! And will mean I am earning a little from it!

As far as a group open mic night, brilliant idea hampered only by geography! We are ruddy well spread out, if the dozen or so CDs I have posted out to you lovely lot recently is anything to go by!  ;D
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James Nighthawk

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« Reply #12 on: April 06, 2013, 07:25:17 PM »
Here is the text I have put together to advertise it. Any comments appreciated!

Calling all Songwriters! We are looking to start a "Songwriter's Circle" right here at Riverway Studios

The idea is simple. A friendly, casual place to meet regularly with other writers. Once a month, or more if there is demand. Bring your guitar along, and we will provide piano/microphones/PA  if needed. Everyone gets the chance to play a song or two, and receive feedback from the group. The only rule will be everyone must be constructive and polite with their feedback. It will be a friendly place to nuture our songwriting!

We will also be able to chat about all those things that matter to writers: Influences, writing methods, notation, harmony, melody...the list is endless.

The first couple of sessions will be FREE, so nothing to lose!

Please either sign up below, or text/call/email Jim to put your name on the list. Once I have enough bodies, I will contact everyone with potential dates. A Saturday afternoon is most likely but NOT set in stone

I look forward to seeing you there!!

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