IN THE NAME OF GOD! © ~ REMIX~does it sound any better ~

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« on: April 15, 2015, 09:22:10 AM »
Here's a bit of a remix and I've changed a few of the lyrics as well ::) I've taken out the direct reference to any particular religions :o Please let me know if it sounds any better :) Thanks

I still have these lyrics and I'm wondering if I should try and add them ???

For me God conjures up feelings of compassion, forgiveness,
Acceptance, brotherhood and peace!
Sublime values indeed, so how did we lose this seed?
Have power-mongering dictators, defused the ethics of the creator?
Religious leaders gone astray, in an array of earthly seductions
Leading to their inevitable corruption!
What’s the solution to end this delusion, as we wander on
The edge of chaos, stumbling in the dark, looking for that Eternal spark?
What will end this ruthless insanity
And the endless suffering of humanity!
Are all Monotheistic religions inherently violent?
Or is it because we are not connecting to the silence?
Is a lack of consciousness responsible for this ageless distress?
Or is it just simply, the human condition and it will never end,
Because we refuse to bend?  :) :)

::)OK guys, Stepping out of my comfort zone with this one(if I have one)  ::)

It's one that I've been working on for a while...I started writing this after the whole 'I am Charlie' thing, but I've kind of come to a place where I'm not sure if it's working or not ??? it's still under construction though, so any suggestions will be welcome. :)
It's an odd combination of heavy rock and spoken word  ::)  
Do you think it needs a ripping guitar solo ??? How's the mix?
Have I stepped over the line with the subject/lyrics ::) I don't mean to offend anyones religious's just my humble observation of the human condition ::)

In the name of God, what have we done ???

I don’t wanna sound accusatory, but it’s time to take an inventory
Of what we’re doing, of what we’ve done?
Religions ruling with a gun…In the name of God!

Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity
This Inter-religious bloodshed is the insanity  
Millions have been killed; so much blood has been spilled
In religious wars, fought to the core, over our beliefs, good grief!
No religion is without sin, in this childish battle to win
The most converts and who’s God is the real thing!
Wiping out women and children, as they pillage, an entire village
In the name of God! What God would condone such atrocities?
This animosity between religious perspectives
Is driving a sword through the human collective, it’s so subjective
What’s the prognosis of this collective psychosis?


There’s been some insanity, in the name of Christianity
Crusades, Inquisitions, Reformations, Witch Hunts, Holy Wars
And here’s one that’s right on my back door!
The stealing of land from Native people,
Then making them worship under a steeple
Repentance was their never-ending sentence
Taking away their dignity! Taking away their children!
Ignoring the calamity, that it created within the family
Trapping them in residential schools
How incredibly cruel, so they could be sin free
Just like the white man!  
Their ancestral languages were taboo
Destroying their culture as they grew
Sterilization and cultural deprivation
Created quite the sensation along with
Physical, emotional and sexual abuse
There’s absolutely no excuse!
And forcing them to worship a God,
Whose written law, commands us to:
Do unto others, as you would have them do, unto you!

In the name of God, what have we done ???


Oh, and here’s a good one in the name of God!
Men are taught women are inferior and that they are superior
This seems somewhat archaic to me.
They shroud their beauty in prosaic dress; forbid their education
Their dignity’s totally suppressed…what a mess!
And if they step out of line, they’re beaten! What a crime!
What God would condone this belief?
There’s an obvious disconnect, from this disrespect
And then, there are the religious fanatics, the sadistic addicts
Committing gruesome monstrosities; barbaric atrocities!
Appalling acts of violence, suicide bombers with no repentance
Just a death sentence, for innocent people
There’ve been over 25,000 terrorist attacks since 9/11
What in heavens name, is going on?
Are these fanatical radicals, this mutant cartel under some
kind of evil spell?  What the hell?


We don’t need no, sick religions, spreading fear amongst us now
We don’t need no, sick religions, spreading fear amongst us all!

« Last Edit: May 02, 2015, 12:30:42 AM by crystalsuzy »

Mystic Dreamer

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« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2015, 11:26:46 AM »
Pretty awesome production.  I enjoyed this very much.  Your art is always interesting to listen to.  I don't have any specific comments to make on this.  I would like to see the lyrics in detail, but that is quite a bit to type in.  Don't you already have it typed up somewhere that you can just copy and paste from?  It's hard to believe that you wouldn't have this written down somewhere, unless you wrote it all out by hand?


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« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2015, 12:27:05 PM »
Thundering Bass! There isn't enough Thundering Bass out there!

Not an easy topic to tackle and not a comfortable listen,but then being challenged never is a comfortable experience,nor should it be. If you are going to use a guitar solo it would need to be discordant and off the wall,Queens of the Stone Age type of thing.

Clever and thought provoking,crystalsuzy.

Wicked Deeds

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« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2015, 12:57:36 PM »
Hi Suzy,

I find it difficult to critique this style of music. I hink we all lean towards are particular style that we favour.. As for the subject - go for it, don't feel bad about expressing your lyrical ideas and thoughts.  I like the spoken word aspect of this.  I don't think a guitar solo is needed and to me, it was interesting - easily holding the listeners attention.

By the way, the drums and bass work well together. Certainly sound ok on my iPad speakers.

Paul   :)


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« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2015, 06:00:11 PM »


 WOW you really do do things differently

 this is some rant, and how many people are there out there that would love to express
 their feelings and thoughts like this
 I LOVED IT a lot of my thoughts were captured perfectly
 I always ask for the lyric as you know cause I love to read the written word to
 but  I'LL FORGIVE YOU MY CHILD  in this case  ( did you see what I did there )
 as this is a big lyric, very clever suzy with such a tough controversial subject

           well done YOU



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« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2015, 07:05:49 PM »

Have I stepped over the line with the subject/lyrics ::) I don't mean to offend anyones religious's just my humble observation of the human condition ::)

There are a lot of lyrics, but I can type them out if anyone wants to see them. I think they're pretty easy to follow though :)

Regarding "stepping over a line."   The only way to NOT "offend anyone's religious beliefs" in today's world is to convert to everyone else's religion.  That can't be done of course.  And that is what your song is kind of about. 

The only way to offend NO ONE, is to say NOTHING. 

What you said is important, deep, and (in my opinion) both true and valid.   

As you pointed out in your comments on Soundcloud, an extremist minority of religionists cause harm to the very religions they claim to support with their extreme acts.  The real problem for religions however is that sincere, moderate practitioners of the religion don't disown the angry, hateful, and counterproductive acts of the extremists for fear of "offending them" and/or restricting their freedoms. 

For any religion to prosper (non financial prosperity btw), that religion has to draw a "line in the sand" and refuse to support destructive behaviours that "cross that line." 

So really, I view your song as "drawing a line" not "crossing a line." 

Others will view it differently of course.  Sorry to drone on so long.  I really love what you are doing here with this song.

Verlon Gates  -  60 plus years old.


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« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2015, 07:15:25 PM »
Great should never be afraid to speak out, religion has a lot to answer for..
a great track, very well produced and arranged..must've taken a while to do this..

much respect..Kevin :)
Soundcloud Shadowfax6

from the nightmare!

Neil C

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« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2015, 08:32:25 PM »
CS, love the flea bass line it has a real drive with the drums. Had to concentrate all the way through :-)
Really intelligent, cleaver lyrics and rhymes and smart use of sound clips too.
If you're not finished I'd just make sure you don't obscure the audibility of the lyrics.
Dig the Pink Floydisms ending too.
And hate to say this but agree no additional guitar solo is needed...
Like the Chillies meets Tom Tom Club meets Crystal Suzy ;D
Fantastic had to listen again.
 :) :)
songwriter of no repute..


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« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2015, 10:50:12 PM »
Yeah! Time to take an inventory!!
Nice one CS!


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« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2015, 12:19:47 PM »
Pretty awesome production.  I enjoyed this very much.  Your art is always interesting to listen to.  I don't have any specific comments to make on this.  I would like to see the lyrics in detail, but that is quite a bit to type in.  Don't you already have it typed up somewhere that you can just copy and paste from?  It's hard to believe that you wouldn't have this written down somewhere, unless you wrote it all out by hand?

thanks for listening MD and your kind comments :) I've posted the lyrics just for you and Tony :)
I did have them typed, but I had changed some of it as I recorded them, so had to do a little rearranging :o I'm glad you liked it  :)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2015, 12:36:59 PM by crystalsuzy »


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« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2015, 12:25:00 PM »
Thundering Bass! There isn't enough Thundering Bass out there!

Not an easy topic to tackle and not a comfortable listen,but then being challenged never is a comfortable experience,nor should it be. If you are going to use a guitar solo it would need to be discordant and off the wall,Queens of the Stone Age type of thing.

Clever and thought provoking,crystalsuzy.
thanks Skub :) Is the bass is a little too loud? I only use headphones when I mix a song and don't
get to hear it played on good speakers, so sometimes the way I hear it, especially the lower frequencies, is not what other's may hear :o You're right about the guitar solo! :)


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« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2015, 12:31:00 PM »
Hi Suzy,

I find it difficult to critique this style of music. I hink we all lean towards are particular style that we favour.. As for the subject - go for it, don't feel bad about expressing your lyrical ideas and thoughts.  I like the spoken word aspect of this.  I don't think a guitar solo is needed and to me, it was interesting - easily holding the listeners attention.

By the way, the drums and bass work well together. Certainly sound ok on my iPad speakers.

Paul   :)
Hi Paul :) thanks for listening and for your thumbs up on expressional freedom :)
This is a totally 'out of my comfort zone genre' so I know what you mean about finding this style difficult to critique :o I'm glad you liked the spoken word bits :) :)


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« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2015, 12:32:47 PM »
Hi Suzy, loved the bass and drums! reminded me of a hybrid of tom tom club and Frankie goes to Hollywood  ???.Like the idea of challenging the current politically correct attitude to religious beliefs which are becoming more and more political in their attitude and less and less tolerant of other beliefs.
Great idea!


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« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2015, 12:35:49 PM »


 WOW you really do do things differently

 this is some rant, and how many people are there out there that would love to express
 their feelings and thoughts like this
 I LOVED IT a lot of my thoughts were captured perfectly
 I always ask for the lyric as you know cause I love to read the written word to
 but  I'LL FORGIVE YOU MY CHILD  in this case  ( did you see what I did there )
 as this is a big lyric, very clever suzy with such a tough controversial subject

           well done YOU


Thanks tony and as of today, I've posted the lyrics just for you and MD :-[ I'm delighted they rang
true for you and thank you for 'YOUR FORGIVENESS"...I'll cherish that forever :) :)


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« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2015, 12:47:20 PM »

Have I stepped over the line with the subject/lyrics ::) I don't mean to offend anyones religious's just my humble observation of the human condition ::)

There are a lot of lyrics, but I can type them out if anyone wants to see them. I think they're pretty easy to follow though :)

Regarding "stepping over a line."   The only way to NOT "offend anyone's religious beliefs" in today's world is to convert to everyone else's religion.  That can't be done of course.  And that is what your song is kind of about. 

The only way to offend NO ONE, is to say NOTHING. 

What you said is important, deep, and (in my opinion) both true and valid.   

As you pointed out in your comments on Soundcloud, an extremist minority of religionists cause harm to the very religions they claim to support with their extreme acts.  The real problem for religions however is that sincere, moderate practitioners of the religion don't disown the angry, hateful, and counterproductive acts of the extremists for fear of "offending them" and/or restricting their freedoms. 

For any religion to prosper (non financial prosperity btw), that religion has to draw a "line in the sand" and refuse to support destructive behaviours that "cross that line." 

So really, I view your song as "drawing a line" not "crossing a line." 

Others will view it differently of course.  Sorry to drone on so long.  I really love what you are doing here with this song.   

Thanks so much for taking the time to state your point of view, on this very delicate subject HTM :)
this song has been brewing in me for a long time...long before the "I am Charlie" tragedy :(
So it feels good to finally get something down, even if it's not fully complete yet  :o I actually left out a lot of what I had originally written, but had to 'draw the line' somewhere on this rant :)
Thanks for your support  :)