
Create a track in response to 'Blue'

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Oliver SoundShoots

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  • Posts: 21
    • SoundShoots
« on: July 08, 2013, 06:50:56 PM »
Hi Everyone, hope you're well!

My name is Oliver and I'm a writer and the founder of SoundShoots.com, a new creative music platform that challenges you to sketch a new piece of music in response to a given word. http://soundshoots.com/

The current SoundShoots word is 'Blue' and you are free to interpret this word however you like and can create a response to 'Blue' of any description; soundscape, instrumental, demo, fully produced track or otherwise! Get inspired by 'Blue' by visiting http://soundshoots.com/create...

In additional to using SoundShoots.com to share your 'Blue' creation with a like-minded creative community, the most interesting response to 'Blue', as rated by the SoundShoots community, will receive blog exposure on Sounds of now music (http://soundsofnowmusic.com/) and a pair of SoundShoots earbud headphones! (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.375798559190808.1073741833.103903566380310&type=3)

So if you're up for giving this unique challenge a go then please either post on this thread or email me at oliver@soundshoots.com and I look forward to listening and sharing what you create :)

Best wishes and I look forward to your contact,
Oliver SoundShoots- Writer, Producer and founder of SoundShoots http://www.soundshoots.com/