Songwriter Forum > Feedback on Works in Progress

What else does my new song demo need?


Here is what came out from the 4-hour session recording today. Let me know what I can improve on:

Whiskey Club:
Now that is right up my street.  Spectacular.  Lovely tune and omg I would kill for that voice ‘Jeff Buckley meets Ray la Montagne’ - just gorgeous to listen too.

In think you should cut the intro to one bar and lose the outro altogether; they add nothing to the song imho, just fade out quickly at 4:27

Congratulations on that song


This has a lovely vibe, interesting introspective melody and agree you have a real gift vocally. I enjoy the simplicity of the strummed guitar but some light and shade musically could really enhance this for me. Perhaps some subtle orchestration or even a touch of Jazz? I could hear a solo trumpet possibly in the break. Early David Sylvian - Secrets Of The Beehive spring to mind, Orpheus is a lovely dark introspective sound. Just some thoughts discard as you see fit 😁

Beautiful work love to hear where you go with it.


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