where do I go from here.... ?

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« on: June 05, 2020, 11:25:38 AM »
It's a question we've all asked ourselves at some point I'm sure.
As I sit down to write what could potentially be the last song from my 4Below project (certainly the last for a good while) it is with mixed feelings. Since I first dabbled with songwriting it has always been my ambition to write an album (even though the album as a concept is no longer relevant) So I went for 15 tracks, split across 3 eps. My first true solo project, Ive always written with bands/others so I wasn't even sure if i was up to the task. I'd never used recording equipment myself, didn't even have a laptop so I had to assemble and learn to use a home recording studio. As I'm sure a lot of you know by now I exclusively only use a bass guitar so I had to build that set up with a lot of trial and error with amps and pedals to achieve that big rock sound from one instrument. 14 songs under my belt now and I am very proud of every one of those. Ive tried to push the boundaries of my abilities as a player and a songwriter and try to cover a wide range of sounds produced from my bass from hard rock, punk and even ballady sounding numbers.
This group has been a fantastic source of support and advice and just because I wont be producing music myself doesn't mean I'll be leaving it just means I can return that support and advice to others without the agenda of promoting my own music.
I'll try and make this last song a cracker.
Thanks again


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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2020, 12:37:04 PM »
Is it down to the lake I fear?  ;)

Hi Andy, this resonates with me as I've been through several style changes over the years. Sometimes you just feel like you want to give it all up after you have exhausted your ideas with a particular  'project', or phase. I guess that's why most bands split up after a few years - they end up writing the same songs over and over, and then just get bored, as the magic has left.

I reckon, though, if you just take a good break - for a few months or years even - there's every chance you will come back again refreshed and raring to go as a music maker. Maybe you will have a go at a different style. Look at Bowie's career, for instance, he kept reinventing himself of course across his entire songwriting lifespan- and always sounded fresh and interesting in my view.

My hunch is that music making is in your blood and we'll see you back again one day with something new, and something that challenges you again to create something different. But your last project has been great, very inventive. So I for one am looking forward to your' 'last song'. Good luck with that...and with whatever lies ahead.
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« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2020, 02:22:37 PM »
Aye ya ya ya ya ya...

I agree with @MichaelA - if you love music then you'll be back, how do you know you won't do any more? I cannot imagine life without creating music, I hope it's not health related...

You sure are one talented bloke.


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« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2020, 03:19:27 PM »
I should clarify all is fine it's just that was my target was 15 tracks. There is a distinct lack of gigging opportunities where I am based so that has a big effect on my desire to keep the project going. I am definitely not shutting it down though but I don't have a strong desire to keep writing for this particular project at this time but I will more than likely come back to it at some point. On a positive side it has re-acquainted me with some ex-bandmates and plans are afoot to write some new material with them.