Songwriter Forum > The Bar

'New' icons/stickers on songs don't make sense


I was wondering why a song I posted about six weeks ago keeps coming back to the top in The Feedback on Finished Songs forum. Over the weekend it was commented on despite me having a new song on there, and now inviting comments on that, not on the older one.

But looking just now I see some of the latest songs from members don't have the 'new' sticker against them. But some others many weeks old are signposted as 'new'.

Have we got a blip in the back end? Maybe @tone or @boydie could let us know, ta  ;)

I think the "new" sticker goes on a thread whenever there's a reply added that you haven't read (or marked "read") yet.

Thanks Vicki, I never thought of that, but all makes sense now. Thanks for explaining  ;D


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