Songwriter Forum > Lyrics

The Apocalypse Has Risen


Well there was me thinking and next thing I'm writing and now I'm posting, maybe this could be a follow up and maybe might need another verse me don't know yet and but thank you all   8)

It's a strange world

The streets are empty

I hear the choir singing

Hallelujah prays the Lord

From lock down buildings

The apocalypse has risen

The slaves are preparing

Freedom fighters are missing

Betrayed by believers, Houston

We have a problem

This is Houston say again please ~ The apocalypse has risen and the choir is singing and I repeat, Houston, we have a problem ~ okay stand by 13 we are now looking at it

It use to be home

Streets were busy

People smiling

Children playing

Where did it all go wrong, when


Just watched The Young Ones, and thought of this.

Death, Famine, Pestulence....and the other one...

Microchip techonolgy, that's quite a new thing...Travel Scrabble Death?

ignore me...


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