
Angel in pearls

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« on: April 06, 2018, 08:34:45 AM »
Simple love song. Views welcome.

Where did you take me?
Where did we go?
Something inside of me
I've never felt before

You're amazingly amazing.
Out of this world.
A soul sent from heaven.
An angel in pearls.

Poets write of love, it seems, 
How can they know what true love means
When nothing in this world.
All the rhymes and pretty words
Like cages full of mocking birds 
No, nothing in this world 
Comes anywhere close to you
Comes anywhere close to you
Nothing in this world

Where did you take me?
Such a beautiful flight.
How could I ever walk again
Alone in the night?

If painters paint in silent words
Their skies are full mocking birds
No, nothing in this world.
Locked in frames
And lights turned down
They disappear without a sound
No, nothing in this world
Comes anywhere close to you
Comes anywhere close to you
Nothing in this world
Nothing in this world
Nothing in this world

« Last Edit: April 06, 2018, 09:07:42 AM by Mike67 »


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« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2018, 08:38:43 PM »
Hi TfZ,
I know that you say it is just a simple love song but imo even a simple love song still has a story/angle to it etc...
Your story can be anything you want it to be. So imo i would make up your songs story first then write it at the
top of your lyric sheet.

He could be singing about his girl who is maybe in the army and he misses her? or maybe they have run away together? or maybe they ran off to vegas to get hitched because mom and dad don't approve?
Whatever your story is for these two it is entirely down to you to decide what that story is.

In my opinion at this early stage it is really important to have a storyboard in place because once in place your entire focus shifts onto telling the story you have written rather than looking for nice loving lyric lines.

You will then find yourself writing to the story which should give you loads of ammunition/lyric content to devlelop your storyboard even more. It should help you stay focused and get those lyrics up and running pretty quickly too.
Give it a try and see if it works for you.

I hope this helps.

Johnny :)

PS: I've just had a thought. The line Angel In Pearls. Which is also the songs title is very good.
My thoughts on what this line could possible mean story wise is....
She's an old woman and the pearls around her neck were given to her by her first love. They drifted apart and now he has got back in touch with her and she is off to meet him at a restaurant for the first time in 60 yrs.
In all that time she never took off her pearls. That kinda thing. That would explain the title of this song.
Again you will probably come up with something better for yourself once you sit down and think about it.
But that Title is a cracker so i would keep it and think of a story that tells the story of her necklace.
Just a thought.

Johnny :)
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 08:46:07 PM by Johnnyuk »


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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2018, 09:20:11 AM »
Hi @Johnnyuk

Thanks for the comments and pleased you like the title at least 🤣

I take different approaches to writing different types of lyrics, and do storyboard if I'm writing a lyric that needs it. What I'm trying to capture here, and perhaps I could have been clearer, is the way someone might feel in an moment; that moment when we're overwhelmed with joy, love, hate whatever. The title's simply saying that: you're an angel, but you're more than that, you're an angel blingged up to the nines. I also write lyrics with very simple messages, for example: you give me shelter from the rain; you're my only colour in a world of grey. That's it for over 4 mins. I'll look forward to the comments on that one🤔

Thanks again for taking the time to comment. I'm genuinely constantly learning.


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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2018, 10:58:05 AM »
« Last Edit: May 11, 2018, 07:50:20 PM by Johnnyuk »


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« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2018, 08:33:05 PM »
PS: On that new lyric of mine i posted earlier this week that you liked i have now posted an updated lyric and theres a link to the basic music structure so go check it out sometime. :)

Hi @Johnnyuk, loving the structure, and looking forward to hearing lyrics put to it. Going to be special I think. Mike


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« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2018, 09:33:10 PM »
PS: On that new lyric of mine i posted earlier this week that you liked i have now posted an updated lyric and theres a link to the basic music structure so go check it out sometime. :)

Hi @Johnnyuk, loving the structure, and looking forward to hearing lyrics put to it. Going to be special I think. Mike

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the comment about my new song idea. Once i get over this sore throat and get my voice back i'll be on it like flies on shit. :)
Johnny :)