Why do YOU write songs?

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« Reply #30 on: June 12, 2017, 03:16:07 AM »
Hi, Stylus. Thank you. Very nice to meet you. Maybe some day I'll try putting the polish to it. I think making writing into work would be a mistake. Everything in our lives is governed by a clock except creativity. It just doesn't work that way, at least not in my experience. But everyone has their own way of approaching it.

What got me started was object writing. I started a little group on Facebook for it that never amounted to much. I was hoping to collect a handful of dedicated people to try writing 10 minutes a day on a topic word - free association style, and with just that exposure we'd generate more creative connections than any one of us doing it alone. It seemed to work pretty well for me. I'd get started on a topic, then start rhyming the lines just for fun, and before you knew it a song was half written. I'm pretty sure most of the song ideas I've had so far started in that way.

So how's your block now? Have you plowed through it yet?
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 06:37:03 AM by Jenna »


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« Reply #31 on: June 12, 2017, 11:36:42 AM »

   Hi Jenna   nice to meet you too!  I used to  belong to  a forum (cars)  &  instigated  a  'Lets write a song'  online.. ;D   So   I  wrote   one line.  then  others would  write the next & so on....Great fun!  & we had a song  at the end of it!  I find Fb's not as  vibrantly  lively as it used to be.....&  theres  too much there  like  sharing quotes &  taking everything for gospel... &  peepz  statements  like  I'm in a chipshop
or   so & so's   having a bath......he he he ;D ;D ;D
                         Back to  songwriting.... I have the advantage  of  access to  instruments my main instrument The guitar. I also  have bass guitar,keyboards,a studio set up  &  sometimes work a song out on the acoustic guitar  or keyboards. many people  dont &  use  garage band  or other tools to  build up a song. Often  on here  I'll  hear a  track & think  I'd love to  play on this  but...leave it be  but  if you need any help  inbox  me  &  I'll  gladly help.   :) 
              My Block....?   I've not had a go  to find out   but  I think  its time  &  I should  be doing something  in the next couple of weeks.  In any case....no one on  here  took note of  my lyrics  I'd write  something  thinking   Hey  thats  not bad..... but  everyone  just  went for the guitar....! ;D ;D
               Yep!   just the guitar  & ok  there was  good guitar   but  they  praised  even the  very ordinary  quick 'bang it out'  guitar  bits... I used to think?   hey  what about  the bass guitar? or the keyboards! ;D ;D 
                      I feel  that  my song   HOW   (the one written  in FB chat  10-15  minutes  some years ago)  is my song of merit.  There were others too....but  I had some I loved  & some  that I didnt.
                         Song structure,melody    should make one think, or move you...either the music  or the lyrics   or both combined.  :) 
                                                                     r'gardzzzz  Stylus  :)


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« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2017, 10:58:40 PM »
First of all welcome back Stylus  8)

Why do I write songs, did to much thinking on this, in short, enjoyment.

« Last Edit: June 13, 2017, 07:53:49 PM by Oldbutyet »


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« Reply #33 on: June 12, 2017, 11:02:28 PM »
He he. Stylus, you're right on the FB thing. I'm growing tired of it myself and didn't find what I was looking for over there. That's how I found here. (That might make a good line for a country ballad. heh) And what a great idea for writing. I love word games like that and might have to swipe it for use someday.

I do have to say that I prefer the forum format to Facebook. It's more like having a conversation in a clubhouse than chatting with flybys in the town square through a megaphone.

I'll surely keep your offer in mind for collaborating. If you fancy the bit above, just drop me a pm and I can start putting the polish on it. I've got two others going at the moment that are keeping me busy. Definitely swimming in the deep end of the pool, but keep getting hit with ideas at the oddest of times. Nearly wrecked my car trying to get one recorded on the cell phone today. Ha! I need a one-touch app for moments like that instead of having to fiddle around looking for that teensy microphone icon on which page I have no clue.


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« Reply #34 on: June 13, 2017, 12:25:12 AM »

   Thanx'z   Oldbutyet 

 I feel  a very  very  strange  connection  to  your  post  above  :)  I  had  the fortunate experience in meeting  a  fellow on here  & he too  wrote a moving &  emotional  song about  JFK.  This guy  wasnt as accident prone  as you  had been in the past! ;D  He was  a very funny  bloke &  we had some good banter on here  :)  trust me ...he was also  very talented  as a songwriter & had a unique  voice & delivery...  You could tell   straightaway  it was  him  :)  Anyway  wherever he izz   I hope he izz well &  not doin  wheelies  on hiz  chopper ! ;D
               Anyway   back to   Oldbut yet  Thanx'z for the  Welcome & keep  writing & all that
Appreciated  :)


  Hi   No rush on the  collaboration. Its  imperitive to focas  on  one,maybe two  projects  &  I  too have  an  'Unplugged'  song Video  which  commences  soon  so  we can  work it out in due course -whenever.  I think   a  FB  song   would be hilariously  funny!  but it  can be anything...I'm easy :)
          Oh .... & do pullover   before  you start  putting down ideas!   Itz a hefty fine  &  safety comes
first :)   
             All I  need   to  build up a backing  track   is a   guide vocal   with some  formed structure of Lyrics- then   I can   build up  the music...  with real instruments....played  live onto  studio  then mixed.  I then send it to you  & you sing on it! :)   


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« Reply #35 on: June 13, 2017, 12:45:32 AM »

   Thanx'z   Oldbutyet 

 I feel  a very  very  strange  connection  to  your  post  above  :)  I  had  the fortunate experience in meeting  a  fellow on here  & he too  wrote a moving &  emotional  song about  JFK.  This guy  wasnt as accident prone  as you  had been in the past! ;D  He was  a very funny  bloke &  we had some good banter on here  :)  trust me ...he was also  very talented  as a songwriter & had a unique  voice & delivery...  You could tell   straightaway  it was  him  :)  Anyway  wherever he izz   I hope he izz well &  not doin  wheelies  on hiz  chopper ! ;D
               Anyway   back to   Oldbut yet  Thanx'z for the  Welcome & keep  writing & all that
Appreciated  :)


  Hi   No rush on the  collaboration. Its  imperitive to focas  on  one,maybe two  projects  &  I  too have  an  'Unplugged'  song Video  which  commences  soon  so  we can  work it out in due course -whenever.  I think   a  FB  song   would be hilariously  funny!  but it  can be anything...I'm easy :)
          Oh .... & do pullover   before  you start  putting down ideas!   Itz a hefty fine  &  safety comes
first :)   
             All I  need   to  build up a backing  track   is a   guide vocal   with some  formed structure of Lyrics- then   I can   build up  the music...  with real instruments....played  live onto  studio  then mixed.  I then send it to you  & you sing on it! :)   

Im just getting use to the fingers on the button like  ???

Really great to have you back Mate, feel likes a gathering of old and new friends coming toghether, put the kittle on i found some new tea bags  ;D


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« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2017, 04:56:38 AM »
Haha. A fine?! For driving while on the cell phone in the US? Never heard of such a thing! Just kidding. They past one here in Illinois just last year. People still do it. Me - almost never - I told you it was a killer idea. Pun intended. But I have taken to making some crazy moves on the road to get around people who are driving like idiots while on their phones. Oh yes I do. <where's the emoji with devil horns?>


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« Reply #37 on: June 22, 2017, 02:40:04 AM »
Primarily to express personal views, in particular my dislike for the nanny state and current government, and also simply because nobody else writes music I like anymore, so I thought I might as well do exactly that ;) .


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« Reply #38 on: June 23, 2017, 06:48:26 PM »
Wow - great responses everyone!

I was hoping I could co-opt someone else' answer but alas, I still don't know why I do it  ??? ???
I hope it's not just a cry for attention as I am the second eldest son in a family of six kids  ;D ;D

I'm also wondering if we would bother writing songs if no-one were willing or able to hear them?

Still searching...  ;D ;D


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« Reply #39 on: July 08, 2017, 10:07:59 AM »

I hope it's not just a cry for attention as I am the second eldest son in a family of six kids  ;D ;D

I'm also wondering if we would bother writing songs if no-one were willing or able to hear them?

Still searching...  ;D ;D

1.  For every one of us, it's a "cry for attention," and there is nothing wrong with that. At least 90% of what drives people is the need for attention. 

2.  Would we bother writing songs if no one were listening?  I'm pretty sure I would.  And I kind of suspect that you would too.  Doesn't matter if we are sane as long as we are happy.  'o) 

Verlon Gates  -  60 plus years old.