It Just Isn’t Christmas Without You

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« on: December 04, 2023, 09:03:11 PM »
I was in the Zoom meeting on Friday and pompey asked if I’d written anything lately. Told him I hadn’t really been up to it in hospital. Anyway, since then I’ve felt a little more optimistic and thought I’d give it a try. Had a title in my head and just decided to go for it.

It’s a “Christmas” song in my usual style. i.e. morbid! I’m on an iPad so no formatting or anything…


Outside my window snow is falling to the ground
Children are playing, throwing snowballs all around
I watch them for a moment then I close the blinds
It’s hard to hear their laughter with you on my mind
Inside the shadows dance around the empty room
The tree lights flicker softly; red, green, gold and blue
We used to sit for hours letting time drift by
I used to love this time of year but now I find
It just isn’t Christmas without you
I’m much too alone now to care
How can I go on
When it feels so wrong
And the silence is too much to bear?
How can I face Christmas without you?
Your hole fills the room with despair
I try but I fail
To break out of this jail
When your ghost follows me everywhere
It’s been a year since the world took you away
A brief goodbye was all it granted us that day
As all our hopes and dreams were cruelly ripped apart
I felt in disbelief the last beat of your heart
A single present waits beneath the Christmas tree
It lies unopened, once a gift from you to me
I found it hidden in the cupboard by the stairs
One more reminder of the coldness of this world
It just isn’t Christmas without you
I’m much too alone now to care
How can I go on
When it feels so wrong
And the silence is too much to bear?
How can I face Christmas without you?
Your hole fills the room with despair
I try but I fail
To break out of this jail
When your ghost follows me everywhere
You made me promise as I watched you fade away
To let you go and build another life someday
I made that vow not really thinking all that clear
And time won’t let me move and so I’m stuck right here
I hear the children playing outside in the street
I try to block the noise out, falling to defeat
Their laughter cuts me like a chill right to the bone
How can I face up to the music all alone?
Cos it just isn’t Christmas without you
I’m much too alone now to care
How can I go on
When it feels so wrong
And the silence is too much to bear?
How can I face Christmas without you?
Your hole fills the room with despair
I try but I fail
To break out of this jail
When your ghost follows me everywhere


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« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2023, 02:04:26 PM »
I really enjoyed reading through that.
I lost my thrill with Xmas a long time ago and since then I've tried avoiding it.
These last 2 years, I've taken to putting my routines aside and allowed Xmas to invade.
Next year I'll try to find a middle ground.

Get well soon, buddy.
It's either this or that, then again it might be the other. 

I can promise you a future of slow decline.

Don't eat the yellow snow

And there you have it.

Whiskey Club

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« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2023, 02:26:28 PM »
Powerful stuff that!

Cheers - John.


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« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2023, 03:17:45 PM »
Oh, that sort of hits close to home for me. I say "sort of" because I haven't really gotten into Christmas celebrations all that much anyway since I became a Bahá'í AND because--after the initial intensity of my grief, I have been able to find joy in my life again.

That being said, I find this to be a very powerful and visual lyric. I have no crits.
