Performing Persona Question

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« on: July 10, 2018, 02:58:10 PM »
This question may be more suited to the marketing board; I'm not sure. I know I'm safe in the bar...

As some of you may have noticed, back in May I applied for a grant to develop and present a musical revue of all original music. I won't know until November 7th if I get the grant or not, but after putting all that work into clarifying the plan, I hope to develop and present the show regardless of whether I get the grant or not. I'll just have to do a cheaper version of it (e.g., everyone involved will have to be volunteers instead of paid contractors).

For this project, I want to define myself in a particular way that exemplifies (is that the right word?) or demonstrates the mission or values I am trying to express by doing this. In a nutshell, I believe a person can start something new (or go back to an old hobby or activity that they've moved away from) at any time regardless of how old they are. I think this is very important, because we (at least in the U.S.A.) live in a culture that worships youth and nearly discards people of "a certain age", which varies, depending on what activity we're considering at the moment. Our culture also tends to support the idea(s) that it's not okay to do a thing publicly unless we can do it [nearly] perfectly and, therefore, amateurs should only watch the professionals. I want people to do things, not just watch the "experts". I can get really wound up about this, but I'll take a deep breath here <<pause>> and spare you.

So, back to this persona I want to develop for performing. I am thinking of calling her "Granny Goble". I had considered "Guitar Granny" (and I have locked up both URLs: and, but I am not really a guitar player--I just strum to accompany myself. So I'm leaning strongly toward Granny Goble.

I'm looking for feedback on this idea. I'm especially interested in hearing any thoughts I may have somehow not considered that might indicate this is not a good idea. I do have trouble thinking things through properly. And I actually have two questions.

1. Is there any reason why Granny Goble would be an ill-advised choice for a performing persona, given my personal mission/s?

2. Do you have any ideas on the best way to present "Granny Goble"? I don't want her to be a cartoon but I do want her to be entertaining. What I mean is, I don't want to dress up in a way that comes across as (for instance) trying to be Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies. I'm thinking something more sophisticated than that. But not too sophisticated, as she should be fun to watch.

If you have any thoughts on any of this, I'd love to hear them. If not, no worries. I'm asking around locally, as well.

Thanks for reading,


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« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2018, 05:56:55 PM »
Grandma Goble would be more sophisticated, wouldn't it? "Grandma Goble, Music Mogul"???


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« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2018, 09:20:51 PM »
This is a pretty cool idea so best of luck with this latest venture.I think the values you are looking to extol through the endeavour are amazing. On a purely practical note I'd be inclined to go with 'Guitar Granny' over 'Granny/Grandma Goble' on the basis that the latter is a little too close for comfort to a similarly spelt term that could lead to A LOT of unasked for traffic from Google searches generated by people with a particular fetish and poor spelling... :o


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« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 09:51:02 PM »
I love this idea and would love to see the culture of youth worship discarded. In fact, I recently connected with another local woman who is looking for women over 50 to join her in a musical adventure to break that mold. Rock on, sister! I'm of the same mind and have considered embracing my aging image by letting my hair go gray. Growing it out long and growing out the coloring is a real process and will take years. Let's just say that silver/white hair is quite the fashion statement these days, so you've got one up on me there.

Guitar granny appeals to me more than Granny Goble. We do have some great role models to follow in this regard. Look at Cher and Tina Turner, after all. On the other hand, they do look far younger than they are, likely due to being in excellent physical condition, as is the woman that I connected with recently. Mature women have so much to offer that gets overlooked in this country and it's high time that we get out there and prove it. Why should we have to be sex pots to get attention at this age? This country has gone so far off the rails in that regard since cable TV was introduced. I'm glad that the internet is up-ending that long-overdue shift.

People often complain that today's music has gone downhill and scratch their heads as to how and why that happened. Well, when you focus on age and appearance as the main features to selling it, what do you expect?

Rock that silver and flip the bird to the haters.  :D But I would suggest something more personally expressive of your unique gifts rather than slotting yourself into a category based on age. It's something that serves to reinforce the categorization we want to smash to bits, like female rock artists. They don't highlight the fact that they're female. They let their talents speak for themselves and choose an image that tells the world they're as badass as any man with an ax.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 09:56:00 PM by Jenna »


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« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2018, 10:08:55 AM »
I have to admit I have no idea what Goble refers to! I have to assume a US expression (it's not your real name is it?!) ... Sorry. So for me that's too confusing...

In terms of presentation, I think hands might be a nice image for posters, the web - when I look at mine they are nice and leathery, a bit scarred and veiny, gnarly and blotchy. They reveal experience but also are an essential part of guitar playing (drumming, keys, most instruments). Could be a nice motif, not "looks" related, relevant, and very inclusive. Maybe you could have a collection, all different skin tones and ages holding picks or different instruments... They would look great in monochrome too...

For on stage, I think a white T shirt is one of the most universal items (all genders, all ages, all pockets), you'd produce them with with prominent monochrome musical hands on them of course... Also a great thing for a "movement", not expensive and could be quite recognizable. Not very sophisticated but definitely not bound to stereotypical granny images.

Possibly I'm getting carried away, though! Just some thoughts... Much success with the project in any event.


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« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2018, 07:30:25 PM »
I'm certain that I'm in the minority on this, and it's probable that I'm also wrong. 

But I would be more likely to attend a performance by "Vicki" than of "Granny Goble" or even "The Guitar Granny" which I think is a better sounding stage persona. 

But I think it's a mistake to make your age or "stage in life" the focus.  I think your music wants to be the focus.  In my opinion, it's a good idea to accentuate that (assuming I'm remembering correctly) you returned to music late in life when you had time.  But "granny" is a label that limits the perception of you, and thus creates limits and biases which might distract from the music. 

BTW..... I am figuratively "bursting with pride" and literally very envious (in a postive way) that you had the gumption to follow through and apply for that grant.  You inspire me.

Verlon Gates  -  60 plus years old.


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« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2018, 10:56:02 PM »
It's pretty much unanimous (I asked around other places and other people, too) one likes Granny Goble. And Guitar Granny hasn't fared much better. <<sigh>> And I thought I was being so clever! Everyone (but me) is focused on my performance and my music, and my aim was to focus on encouraging people to "do stuff" regardless of their age. And it seems that the older people are, the less likely they are to think it's okay to "do stuff".

Oh, and @adamfarr , the answer is "yes and no" but mostly "yes" at this point (regarding your question "It's not your real name, is it?!" It's been my last name for forty-some years, so I've become accustomed to it. And it's real.  ::)

Thanks for the input...I appreciate it all and will ruminate on this a bit more. Maybe I'll come up with a name for the show instead of a name for me. Something to do with growth and music. Or something....


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« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2018, 08:13:13 AM »
I will start with the easy one:

2. Do you have any ideas on the best way to present "Granny Goble"? I don't want her to be a cartoon but I do want her to be entertaining. What I mean is, I don't want to dress up in a way that comes across as (for instance) trying to be Granny on the Beverly Hillbillies. I'm thinking something more sophisticated than that. But not too sophisticated, as she should be fun to watch.

The simple answer is - "just be you"! - I think you are right to identify that a "hammed up" characature could come across as a little disingenuous and potentially be a little patronising, which could put people off

My suggestion would be to just be yourself - the passion for the project and the music will then naturally come out

I like where your thinking is going regarding branding the "show" and "project" rather than branding "you" - this is much more powerful as you get the opportunity to build a strong brand but still get to use your natural passion to engage with the audience/market - e.g. Elon Musk/Tesla, Bill Gates/Microsoft, Richard Branson/Virgin

This approach also gives you the opportunity to grow and expand the concept - e.g. You could franchise it across the US / Globe to have a "Late Bloomers" project in every major city across the world!

I naturally lent towards "Late Bloomers" as a name as you had used this before and I think it sums up your approach and values perfectly so that would be my vote for a brand/name
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