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The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by MonnoDB on Yesterday at 09:10:06 PM »
News everyone. I will be resurrecting Song Of The Month when I get back from my travels. I’ll give a detailed review of 5 songs that have been on the forum over the last month based on Songwriting not production etc etc. I’ll ask folks to send me a simple 1,2,3 and take it from there. Stay tuned!

Yay!!! Nice one @pompeyjazz - I hereby commit to being a regular voter!

The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by pompeyjazz on Yesterday at 08:36:02 PM »
News everyone. I will be resurrecting Song Of The Month when I get back from my travels. I’ll give a detailed review of 5 songs that have been on the forum over the last month based on Songwriting not production etc etc. I’ll ask folks to send me a simple 1,2,3 and take it from there. Stay tuned!
The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by MonnoDB on Yesterday at 06:07:24 PM »
Hey! I’m terrible at answering these sorts of threads. In fact on my holidays, I answered one of the others (the one about what instruments do you play etc…) and deleted it cos I just don’t feel comfortable sharing for whatever reason unless it’s 1-1 and when I reread my answer it didn’t seem that interesting!! Dunno why, anyway, here’s me trying again 🙃. So I’m here to get feedback on my songs, mixes etc. I sincerely look for feedback so I can improve - harder these days as I leave so long between productions.

I find reviewing difficult but I do my best to review all I can when I am posting and definitely make sure to give time to those who are giving of theirs. I have come to recognise those who don’t contribute and don’t necessarily review them. It’s kinda a give ‘n take karma thing.

I loved SOTM !! It was a mare to judge but iirc my main issue with it was the small number of votes it drew. I don’t remember the voting being cliquey. I’d like to see it again but right now the volume of songs posted looks too low for such a thing. When I was reviewing the other day I was surprised how few songwriters are posting.

Anyhoo, I’m sticking around…. Even if I fade in and out, I do think there’s a great bunch of people here and I really enjoy listening to their output! And reading their musings….

Of course, it wasn’t actually here - it was on a smaller but similar site (this one seemed scary to me at the time - it was very busy!) that I met my musical co-conspirator! So you never know what magic lurks around the corner.


The Bar / Re: Songwriting Podcast Series
« Last post by rightly on Yesterday at 05:35:38 PM »
Nice to hear some of the back stories to the songs.

Especially "stand down"
(A personal favourite of mine)
I learnt to play that one, and would busk it in Berlin.
(I don't know what it is, it'd make me choke up at times
Unusual for me)
That jumping straight into A for the verse is really powerful,
makes it seem so sophisticated.
I've often thought of doing a cubase Virtual instrument version.
I think there's an instrumental part
 at the first complete chorus
which I could never figure out.
Stand down is a fine song.
The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by Elvis Nash on Yesterday at 04:07:39 PM »
Forums are not my main concern I pop on post a song , remark on a few . Reaching a fan base keeps me pretty busy.
The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by PaulAds on Yesterday at 12:20:47 PM »
The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by shadowfax on Yesterday at 12:18:26 PM »
I'm here ( or at least will be again when the move to Czech Republic is done) because having peeps comment on songs has helped me to improve....and maybe my comments on others has helped them..however, I only frequent the finished songs page so I guess that means I don't give a rats ass...LOL, I do really...
The Writing Process / Who Know's Best?
« Last post by Nick Ryder on Yesterday at 11:33:44 AM »
I am stating this thread to find out how people deal with quality control.

When you write and produce your music, do you do it in complete isolation or do you take advice from others?

A friend of mine recently recorded a song with an artist he is working with and sent it over to me. As he asked for my opinion, I suggested cutting the guitar solo in half because it lingered too long, changing a chord in the break section as the same two chords repeated too many times and also a few backing vocal idea's. He made the changes and the song was all the better for it.

I think working in isolation can be a bad thing sometimes. Getting a second, third and even fourth opinion can make such a difference.

I hear songs posted on this forum in the finished songs section which should really be in the works in progress section. However, I'm also aware that some people do not like constructive criticism.

I'm keen to hear your thoughts on this. Could you let go of your song a little bit in the interests of making it better, even if it means that you have not had complete artistic control?

I'd be more than happy to be that second pair of ears if anyone wants an opinion and likewise, I may start posting some of my efforts in the work in progress section.

The Bar / Re: Why Are You Here?
« Last post by PaulAds on Yesterday at 10:43:08 AM »
That’s the thing, Nick…those guys promote their own songs half-heartedly…as if they know they’re pissing into the wind anyway.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Stuck Inside a Cloud
« Last post by Nick Ryder on Yesterday at 10:39:35 AM »
First off…a very good song from a very good songwriter.

Vocals are really good…and so is the playing.

I wondered if the arrangement was too full-on?

There is so much going on so early that there isn’t much room for that really strong chorus or the instrumental break to punch through as much as it perhaps could.

I’d maybe start with just the piano…or the guitar…and hold back on more of the instruments until much later. I’m not even sure that I’d have as many instruments in there as there are…but I’m quite minimalist/lazy in my approach.

Also, just a thought…that little chord change in the intro is almost like a signature of yours…and I wondered if I’d have held it back here?

Lyrically, I wondered if the pedant in me thought that there was a bit of mixed messaging…whereby I wasn’t sure whether you were upbeat and optimistic at the start and then gradually became more circumspect as the song progressed…but one minute you were in a dream and next minute you were stuck in a cloud. It doesn’t matter at all, and most people wouldn’t be bothered anyway…just thought I’d mention it.

The breakdown is pretty good…I just thought that I might have wanted to keep more momentum going…it almost grinds to a halt…which does give more ebb and flow…so you pay your money and take your chance…

It’s a really good song…seems to me that you only write good songs.

Thank you.

Now I wish I had posted this in the 'works in progress' thread before I actually released it as I think you make some excellent points. I need to learn to stop rushing things out and assuming that my way of doing things is not always the best.

Oh, and I write some really, really bad songs, I just don't let anyone else listen to them :)
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