The Songwriter Forum - songwriting reviews, tips and chat

Songwriter Forum => The Bar => Topic started by: Sonic-r on May 07, 2011, 02:55:10 PM

Title: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: Sonic-r on May 07, 2011, 02:55:10 PM
With so much variety on here I've been wondering why people do what they do and what their ultimate ambitions are. (If those ambitions haven't already been achieved.) Without trying to be too scientific:

1 - I'd like to be successful professionally.
2 - I'd like people to hear my music, but big success is not a goal.
3 - This is for me, if others hear it and like it, great.
4 - This is for me, I've no intention of making it public (I suppose if you fall into this category you wouldn't be on a forum like this!)
5 - Reward is an egotistical construct

1 - I want to earn a fortune and be top of the tree
2 - I'd like to make a full time living out of music, quit the day job
3 - It would be nice to earn a bit of cash now and again, but keep the day job
4 - I do it for pleasure and not bothered about making money
5 - All money is theft

1 - Route 1 to a life of luxury
2 - A potential career
3 - A serious interest
4 - One of a number of hobbies
5 - A racket

Mostly 1s - you're hard boiled, driven and either ambitious, deluded, naieve or mad.  Good luck.
Mostly 2s - you recognise the music industry is a voracious destroyer of souls and cut your cloth accordingly.
Mostly 3s - you take your music seriously, but have no desire to be part of the big machine
Mostly 4s - You've found an enjoyable and rewarding pastime
Mostly 5s - there's a G20 summit/Tesco Express coming to you soon

Has anyone achieved everything they set out to achieve?

Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: mihkay on May 07, 2011, 03:49:38 PM
I recognised very early I'd love to have a career as a writer / musician. But also realised that I had neither the talent or all consuming desire to achieve it. So went into the world of getting a qualification and earning a living.
And in the years since I realise I was probably right. Desire is more important than talent when it comes to actually making a living as a musician,  and whilst I'd love to earn my living with music I just don't have that all consuming drive.
So whilst I now have the time and financial / emotional stability to actually spend a serious amount of time developing my musical interests, the idea of making a living out of it is a pipe-dream. So I write songs, I occasionally perform in pubs locally, purely for my own enjoyment.........
But then again....I might just write that No1 single and make my fortune................ ::) ;D

Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: hofnerite on May 07, 2011, 07:59:52 PM

Money, that's what I want. Dirty cash. Money money money. Money can't buy me love but it does make the world go around. Money talks. I want to be the next Johnny Ca$h.

Seriously though, as I have mentioned on here before, I would like success in the form of artists using my songs (not necessarily mainstream ones) but overall, I want to make money from what I do and would love to be able to do it full time.

Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: spacedogg on May 07, 2011, 09:45:31 PM
All twos for me. Everybody should get the chance to do what they love to do, if they're good at it. Plenty of people get the chance to do it even though they're clearly not so good at it. It's an uneven world, unfortunately.
Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: Sonic-r on May 07, 2011, 10:35:44 PM

Money, that's what I want. Dirty cash. Money money money. Money can't buy me love but it does make the world go around. Money talks. I want to be the next Johnny Ca$h.

Seriously though, as I have mentioned on here before, I would like success in the form of artists using my songs (not necessarily mainstream ones) but overall, I want to make money from what I do and would love to be able to do it full time.

I feel as if I could have written your post. It's my ambition to hear established artists sing my songs; famous or not so famous, hearing someone in front of a live audience belt out one of mine would be amazing and weird. So I'm 2, 2, 3/2, but just one song performed by Laura Pausini would do for me.
Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: postmn on May 10, 2011, 09:20:01 PM
i write for nobody, not even myself, i just write, i cant help it, it lets me express every thought, image i have that i cant tell people because they would think im a bit off but half the time, the thought/image is just to big to put on paper at that time but it will still go down some way. im in love with instrumentals,give me one with bass, i will go ape and just have a brain attack. i feel like i was born for music(cheese)  i guess im none,4,2
Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: tone on May 11, 2011, 11:20:12 AM
Ok, here's my musico-analysis. Funny how the word analysis contains the word anal, isn't it? :p

2 - I'd like people to hear my music, but big success is not a goal.

4 - I do it for pleasure and not bothered about making money; 5 - All money is theft
(see how I joined those two concepts together with a piece of punctuation)

3 - A serious interest - can I call it a consuming passion?

Never one to fit the mould, I'm quite pleased with my results here. In my own words, I write for myself, but I like to perform, too, so I guess that must influence me too.
Ultimate ambition is probably to make a great album.
Title: Re: What do you want to get out of your music
Post by: Ramshackles on May 19, 2011, 08:38:00 AM
I guess Im mostly 2. I want the ability to be able to spend all day playing music. Whether it is playing gigs, recording; creating whatever, I just want to be able to play all the time.
So I guess that means I need financial reward (need to eat), which in turn means some kind of success is needed (fans give moneys).