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Songwriter Forum => Feedback on Finished songs => Topic started by: CaliaMoko on June 16, 2020, 12:44:27 AM

Title: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: CaliaMoko on June 16, 2020, 12:44:27 AM
Here is my offering for the Alien Genre Challenge. It's been a load of fun and I had tons of help from @PaulAds (;u=20253) , @cowparsleyman (;u=21308) , and all my allies in the Friday night rowdy sessions. I really need to call this a collaboration, especially with cowparsleyman and PaulAds.

This has really been a stretch and it felt good. I need to do more crazy stuff.

Hear it at
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: IronKnee on June 16, 2020, 08:10:31 AM
Hey there CaliaMoko...........sounds like the hustle and bustle at a busy airport.
Very energetic, to say the least.
It's a bit busy for me, however, at this late hour..............I need to get some sleep.
Good night! ;-)
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: pompeyjazz on June 16, 2020, 08:54:30 AM
An absolute delight to hear @CaliaMoko (;u=19928) You have really pushed the boundaries and it also seems that you have had a whole heap of fun. It certainly fits the box, driving beat and spacey atmospherics which really does put you in a "Trance"

Top quality work  :)
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: MichaelA on June 16, 2020, 10:35:04 AM
Hi Vicki this has really developed well since its first inception. I really like the slow fade in and the incessant nature of the riffing and the beat, very hypnotic. The production is polished too, just 'full' enough too.

That false ending really caught me out! Great stuff that you went out of your comfort zone and embraced the genre wholeheartedly. Another fine contribution to our collection for this challenge.  ;)
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: PaulAds on June 16, 2020, 10:55:45 AM work, Vicki :)

You went to town on this and pulled a real cracker.

One of the most impressive songs in the challenge and one that must have taken you so far out of your comfort zone...i was very happy to have been a very small part of it.

You've done amazing with this. Congratulations!

Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: adamfarr on June 16, 2020, 10:56:10 AM
Fabulous stuff - sounds like the real thing to me! Plenty of interest all through. I slightly preferred the part before the stop with the dancier drums, but it's a great achievement and it's been great to see how it evolved from the beginning.
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: cowparsleyman on June 16, 2020, 12:16:06 PM
@CaliaMoko (;u=19928) - Dig This, You've done wonders on this, as @PaulAds (;u=20253) says, glad to be a tiny part of it.

Love the cello idea.

Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: Jamie on June 18, 2020, 11:16:08 AM
@CaliaMoko (;u=19928)

Hi guys, nice collaboration,comfort zone evacuated! It is what it's supposed to be, nice one! 8) I too, liked the strings (cellos?)

Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: montydog on June 23, 2020, 02:54:32 PM
Hi Vicki,
It certainly fits the bill - very effective but I missed your voice. Maybe you could have put some samples of you singing in it or maybe they don't do that in trance records - I wouldn't know as I've never listened to one before :-)
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: CaliaMoko on June 23, 2020, 04:13:46 PM
@IronKnee : Thanks for the listen! I admit trance is not my thing, but it was very interesting to do.

@pompeyjazz (;u=20269) : Thank you, John. It was fun, though I don't know if I would want to try trance again. Something else I've never done, though, maybe.

@MichaelA (;u=21274) : Thanks! I really can't take credit for the false ending, but it is kind of a cool touch...not something I would have thought of on my own. One of the benefits of the forum and willing collaborators!

@PaulAds (;u=20253) : Small part? You're so modest! It was very most definitely out of my comfort zone.

@adamfarr (;u=20124) : Thank you! It certainly has been quite a process.

@cowparsleyman (;u=21308) : Tiny part? You guys crack me up! I listened to a lot of loops before I found that cello, which started the whole thing.

@Jamie (;u=19125) : Yes, cello. Cellos have a sound I really like. Thanks!

@montydog (;u=18653) : I did consider using my own voice, but I was told repeatedly that trance has no vocals, so I suppose I was actually pushing it by using the robotic voices. I'll just have to get busy on something new, something that DOES have real words.

A big thank you to everyone who listened! This was quite an experience!
Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: Binladeda on June 24, 2020, 10:12:13 AM

 Hey Viki

 Hope all is well ;D.  BIG respect for this. Quite an accomplishment. I do like this trance stuff, and have played around with it a bit, but I've never completed the course ;D
 I do like the monotony and repetition of it all, but I think it's a genre best appreciated in a club where the volume is so loud that it shakes the floor, and you've got a head full of
 booze and drugs.......but then, I'm a cynical old man, so what do I know ;D ;D

 Great work Viki, and well done Paul and Rich, for stepping up... ;D
 Stay safe guys.

Title: Re: Reverie: Alien Genre Challenge
Post by: Viscount Cramer & His Orchestra on June 27, 2020, 07:21:07 PM
Hi Vicki.

Well it certainly sounds like what I imagined Trance to sound like.....a slow build to the main hypnotic bit. Those snare rolls break up the insistent beat nicely and keep it moving. A lot of subtle rhythmic stabby stuff going on there too which gets under your skin. The percussive vocal bits all add to it...didn't know Trance didn't have vocals..but I like to hear some vocals myself of any sort!

Nice build up to the 'Ha!' and the stop at 4 minutes or so.
The outro is a bit unsettling after you lulled me into that trance!
Great job Vicki.