The Songwriter Forum - songwriting reviews, tips and chat

Songwriter Forum => The Bar => Topic started by: Sing4me88 on May 24, 2019, 05:20:05 PM

Title: Wtf - how many writers are there???
Post by: Sing4me88 on May 24, 2019, 05:20:05 PM
Interesting article about the growing number of pop hits with multiple credited writers. The article is brief but it uses some good examples of how so many writers come to be credited, the multiple stages that a hit might go through and why it is increasingly taking more artists down the co-writing route. Some of this will no doubt resonate with those geared towards commercial songwriting while I'm pretty sure some of it will make the purists among you squirm - each to their own though....
Title: Re: Wtf - how many writers are there???
Post by: PaulyX on May 24, 2019, 07:11:19 PM
Thanks for sharing that.
Yep, squirming a bit at the 'sausage factory' aspect of some of this.
For me, often great music is stuff that is giving you a little window into the soul of the writer.  That must get dissipated when there are 9 people involved in it.
Then again, some of the colabs that come out of this forum are awesome, and you can see what each person brought to it.  So I don't think multiple writers is bad per se... I guess Lennon & McCartney would have agreed.  I just don't much like the idea of "jobbing chorus writers" being parachuted in to write a hook then disappear!
Title: Re: Wtf - how many writers are there???
Post by: cowparsleyman on May 25, 2019, 11:51:06 AM
I actually don’t mind how many people collaborate to write a song, its been like this since i can remember, most of the time it’s just one or two artists but very often it’s more...if someone is good at mid 8’s that’s totally fine by me, very often a producer will put his ideas in and get no credit on the song.

Title: Re: Wtf - how many writers are there???
Post by: rightly on May 27, 2019, 09:08:22 AM
Interesting read.
It isn't exactly news though.