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The Bar / Re: Worth a read, certainly worth a listen
« Last post by rightly on Yesterday at 07:03:34 PM »
Yes i read through all of that
It's a powerful couplet

Distractions such as hurry
Often work well. But just as often don't.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: What would you dream
« Last post by Jazz101 on Yesterday at 06:54:12 PM »
Thanks Elvis your opinion is always valued, really appreciate it,

Feedback on Finished songs / Re: What would you dream
« Last post by Jazz101 on Yesterday at 06:52:49 PM »
Thank you Paul for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated
Feedback on Finished songs / If You Go
« Last post by RC James on May 31, 2024, 09:44:08 PM »
One thing’s for sure, if you go
You'll turn my world around
Sun won’t come up, I’ll go stone crazy
If you commence to leave this town

If you go
Ohh baby, if you go

I’ll get another job don’t worry
The lights and water turned back on
Don't be in such a gosh darn hurry
Why can’t you at least wait ‘til dawn

Now hold on, it’s a doggone fact
We had our share of good times
I told you eventually I’d pay you back
All you remember are my little crimes

You go on your cross country jaunt
Our dreams will go up in smoke
I’ll give you anything you want
And you know that’s not an idle joke

Reconsider the consequences
After everything we’ve had together
You gonna go an’ call ‘em coincidences
You got me wantin’ to ride hell for leather

If you go
Ohh baby, if you go
If you go
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Nothing Wrong
« Last post by RC James on May 31, 2024, 09:41:22 PM »
Deep and emotional - the instrumentation is on point.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Escaping
« Last post by RC James on May 31, 2024, 09:38:17 PM »
Yes, Yes, Yes!
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Escaping
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on May 31, 2024, 05:19:02 PM »
Good morning @moraamarolaloba,

There are always interesting musical elements and lyrical observations to your work.  There's an uneasiness to the music here and I'm sure that this is your intention.  The lyrics convey your observations of life, at times commenting on the many actions that we all take for granted yet are aspects of living.  From the breath that we take to the poetic observation of the fog that wraps around the street lamp.  The street lamp image is in my opinion, the strongest lyric here.  I don't observe a strong lyrical message but note that it is fascinating how you turn every day observations into a story that engulfs the listener and invites us all to think more deeply about our day to day lives and actions.  It clearly says "I am here, i have lived and these are my observations".


Hola @Paul V 
Thank you so much!!!
I consider this song to be very abstract and I am surprised that it is more widely accepted than my other songs...
The lines are simple, there are no convoluted or deep words, just describing someone running in the cold night, leaving the vapor of her breath in the air, the fog dressing the lights with faint gauze, streets and more streets, everything is normal except for who is running or fleeing. And suddenly, "The Rose of Winds is asleep in the bones of yesterday"?

The current world moves very fast but... towards the past, the North is lost, that is my metaphor, the woman runs forward.

As for the arrangement; I like it and handle it well in my ears, the rhythm is important but above all the atmospheres created, I like to fantasize with sounds, I am very gypsy.

See you!!!

Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Do You Dare?
« Last post by Elvis Nash on May 31, 2024, 03:59:47 PM »
 Hey man
Real cool production going on
Very nice classical guitar licks
nice job man !!!
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: What would you dream
« Last post by Elvis Nash on May 31, 2024, 01:55:10 PM »
Hey George
Very nice arrangement
Great vocals and harmony 
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