
Lyric Homework Exercises anyone ?

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« on: July 30, 2017, 04:10:19 PM »
Jenna gave me an idea when she posted about metaphor game.l was wondering if anyone would like 'homework'  10 min exercise ideas for our lyric writing, that students are given when on songwriting courses.

l found quite a few on google search, and as lm doing these myself daily, for 10 min, l wondered if anyone else would like me to post them .

lm hoping Jenna will help me out as well in coming up with our 'homework' :)

if anyone else likes this idea, let me know &  l will post 'homework' every morning or evening..Its no trouble as lm doing this for myself anyway :)

So here's the first  one lv found for today, from google search on 'songwriting exercises '

Exercise 1.

take a book ,open it and point to a word and create a line of a lyric that STARTS with that choosen word. if its a noun, add ( a,the,that etc) if you need too.
write as many lyric sentences during your 10 min homework and then don't forget to write the ones your like that are the most imaginative, and file them in a journal ,for later lyric writing prompts

here's mine...compel...

let me know if you like this idea of homework prompts and l will carry on posting to this thread daily.



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« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2017, 09:04:58 PM »
Hi Sea! Sorry. I've been MIA on a resume rewrite and preparing for a job interview, two of my least favorite activities in the world.  ;D

I used to do object writing everyday for 10 minutes and started a Facebook group centered around it. A couple of my songs actually came out of those writing sessions. They're intended to be done in the mornings, but I posted them any time of day since my schedule fluctuates wildly from day to day.

The idea is to choose a random word and write your sensory experiences of that object/idea for ten minutes, anything and everything that comes to mind. Set a timer. Stop when it dings. To choose words I go to a random word generator online or choose something in the immediate environment.


Lightning quick. Gone in a flash. Disappears into the surrounding greenery with nary a whisper of flickering leaves. Iridescent green camouflage fades to grey-brown blending with tree bark. Velvety delicate skin that's cool to the touch yet tough enough to resist scratches from the roughened surfaces over which it scrambles. Sunning itself on rocks in the open river banks or clinging to stucco walls of a vacationer's tropical paradise, these little creatures are masters at evading detection and capture. To dwell in the skin of a chameleon would be to take on the colors of those around you and reflect them back with glorious precision.