Songwriter Forum > Feedback on Finished songs

Jason and the Aga nooms / neil connor collab

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 Oh Yeah Man.... ;D ;D

 I've just melted and slipped through the cracks in the floorboards.....what a beeeuuteeeful song guys ;D
 Superb playing Neil, and your Vocals are 'to die for' as usual Nooms...

 Love ya both xx  ;D ;D . Keep 'em comin

Hi Guys,

How chilled is that??

Elegantly wasted sounding vocals.
Music is just in the groove - sounds wicked.

Quality - as I'd expect.
Great job.


Well I love that Soundcloud tag for a start: #aga cookers. Got to be a big hit in the Search charts that, ha ha! ...So actually I did search for it in the SC search box - and you came up fifth! After a guy doing stuff about real Aga Cookers. Brilliant!  ;D

I will never trust Aga salesmen after this song! But I love its intelligence and wit. Understated humour and a very cool, languid execution. Lovely slice of Aga baked pie, and it's a recipe which I wouldn't know what to suggest to improve on. Just a great listen, cheers!

Wicked Deeds:
A song from  a bygone age apart from the 'jpeg of a casserole' lyric and one or two other lyrics that I kind of understand but may have interpreted completely the wrong way.  line's like that are real head turners of course!

I've always had a soft spot for this kind of music and I'm never disappointed when I tune into radio Neilc and nooms.  Keep them coming chaps. It is always a treat!


I totally enjoyed listening to this very laid back lounge vibe. 8) Beautifully arranged and beautifully sung with witty and humorous lyrics  ;D
I love this style of music and you guys pulled it off perfectly  :-*


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