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Collaborations / Songwriting collaboration.
« Last post by Fwrunner on Today at 01:49:42 PM »
Hi Everyone,
I'm a songwriter seeking to collaborate with talented singers/musicians/producers.
Here's my Reverbnation music site so you can check out my songwriting style:
You can contact me at: kevinnevel4@gmail.com
Let's collaborate & create great songs together!
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Midnight Utopias
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on Today at 01:17:12 PM »
You seem to be on an incredibly productive streak at the moment @moraamarolaloba Yeah, the pulsing synth rhythm is incredible hypnotic and I love the "chatter" in the background and the freaky clock. Every one of your songs takes us on an incredible musical journey Mora  :)

Yes, I am on a very special moment, Life is amazing.... chaos and spring love put all out of place hahaha
Thank you so much @pompeyjazz  I hoe your travel will bring you soon back!!
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: This is Not a Test
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on Today at 12:12:29 PM »
The song has a sense of the. sadness or melancholy that I love, that piano is great, it creates an enveloping atmosphere and covers the voice while telling the story.
The change in the arrangement gives it strength without losing that melancholy and the guitars give it a touch of more vivid color. Good change at approximately 2'45, I didn't expect it and I liked it. Naa more and all that I tell you, very good song and interesting lyrics. @Nick Ryder
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: You
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on Today at 12:06:01 PM »
Hola @subvibe
Me encantó la intro!!! I liked the unexpected intro, dramatic... leading to the rest of the arrangement and story, silky sound, powerful backing and sooo sweet voice!!!
Introductions / Re: Hi all
« Last post by Jazz101 on Today at 11:32:16 AM »
Thank you Paul, it all seems to be fitting into place at the moment, so definitely  in my happy place,

Feedback on Finished songs / Re: You (are not broken)
« Last post by Nick Ryder on Today at 10:06:17 AM »
Hey. @Dorian

I really like this. There's lots of ear candy in the production and it creates a scene it my mind.

Have you ever seen the TV show Twin Peaks the Return? This song would work perfectly in the end Roadhouse sections.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: This is Not a Test
« Last post by Nick Ryder on Today at 09:50:52 AM »
A lovely classical intro that draws us into a melody and production fitting of a Bond theme.  It's got that Bond-like guitar sound too.
The lyrics are very well written.  I love the pause before the chorus.  This song benefits from the inclusion of a real drummer. Moving into the middle-eight section, we're into Robbie Williams territory when he partnered with Guy Chambers. As always, you go the extra mile with really cool backing vocals and they don't overcrowd the production with their inclusion. I love saxophone but I'd lift it above the instrumentation.  At the moment, the piano is more prominent. There's a big reward to you as a songwriter for continuously flexing your writing muscles.  Kudos to you!


Thank you again, @Paul V and so nice to see you back.

Yes, noted about the Sax and it will be addressed befoer the final mix is released.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: This is Not a Test
« Last post by Nick Ryder on Today at 09:49:23 AM »
Great song!

I thought your vocals sounded a lot like Elvis Costello on this.

Piano timing seemed to drift a little towards the end and I wondered if the sax was a little flat here and there? Or it was perhaps just a little distant? Might just be my ears…

Some great chord changes. I wasn’t quite so keen on the bit where it changes time signature…it made me think of a bloke with a walking cane tucked under one arm high-kicking and theatrically wobbling his straw-boater in his other outstretched hand like Frankie Vaughan…but it was very well done, provides a cool change to keep interest levels up and will be many people’s favourite part, no doubt.

I read one of your other threads about maintaining interest by introducing and taking away different elements here and there and changing things around, etc…and I think although they are perfectly valid and generally sound advice, I think it sometimes can be slightly overwhelming. After listening to this, I wasn’t sure I remember much about the song, apart from the fact that it was really good and exceptionally well done.

A thoroughly excellent job though.

Many thanks, @PaulAds

Your unique reviewing style has been sorely missed on this forum :)

This song was recorded bang on the grid and originally I used the eZdrummer. It was only after that my friend recorded the real drums and as they weren't bang on to the grid, some of the existing instruments sounded off. I did try to correct it as much as I could but there's still bits which are slightly out.

The time signature and tempo remain the same throughout the song. I just use different rhythms to make it sound like they're changing. I feel a bit of a fraud really as it sounds way cleverer than it actually is!!
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: You
« Last post by Dorian on Today at 09:32:48 AM »

It seems we both released a song at the forum called “You” just a few minutes from each other. Yours is much more fit for commercial release off course  :) As always it sounds pretty professional in all aspects. Nothing to add to that.

There’s not much information with your songs, which makes it hard for me to picture how your work comes into existence. Do you sing, play instruments and mix all of your songs yourself? Or do you hire folks to do parts (like mixing, hiring session players/singers, etc).

ps: Hope I’m not too straightforward with my asking. It's just curiosity, since I think your songs sound great overall. (I’m from The Netherlands; we’re known for being waaaay too straightforward  ;)
@Paul V
Beautiful and gentle vibe with the guitar, strings and accordeon! Also, your voice fits perfectly with the dreamy atmosphere.

If I’m allowed to make a suggestion: I would love to hear this without the (somewhat harsh) bassdrum and snare at the beginning. Later on in the song (when these are gone or replaced by toms) it suddenly sounds more dreamy, refined and open.

My two copper  :)

Cheers, Dorian
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