
Find Another Me

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« on: December 03, 2019, 08:31:10 AM »
Whato All

This is a follow up to 'Spitting Feathers' the story continues...

The guy is narcissistic, and thinks that his ex was thinking only of him since they broke up, thinking she's been in pieces and been crying ever since, he tells her that he never thought of her at all during that time, which isn't true, but he wants to make out that he doesn't care at all about her and asks her to find another guy exactly like him (what a rascal), when really he wants to have her back, it's blown back in his face as she couldn't care less about him, She's moved on and enjoying life, He's bitter and twisted.

Such is life

Was I always on your mind
Someone else was a stranger to you
You never really let me go
(my) Tattoo on your heart told me so

Head to Head
Eye to Eye
Heart to Heart
You and I

You were never on my mind
Yes, your'e pretty but not the words you say
Liked to finish my sentences
Switch your heart of, and find another me

I would welcome any comments/ criticism etc. Gloves Off please or 장갑을 벗다 as they say in Korea....

Thanks in advance for listening, hope you dig it.

« Last Edit: December 04, 2019, 08:14:38 AM by cowparsleyman »

David Christy Jones

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« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2019, 02:53:05 AM »
A real banger this, my friend!
I particularly like the piano that underscores parts. And that little diminished chord in there (I think?) is very tasty!

I like the way it breaks out at the end, though I wish the guitar muting would relax a bit for that and let the notes ring more, perhaps more piano on it for the outro. Basically just something to widen the sound out and really feel like we're riding the crest of the wave!

Awesome song though man, as I've come to expect from you! :D
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« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2019, 09:32:05 AM »
I like the construction of this a lot CPM - the choice / balance of instruments and the chord structure.  That U2-esque simple but effective bassline is cool and the injection of energy in the last 30 seconds is very well placed and doesn't outstay it's welcome (nice restraint... you don't go mad with a widdly widdly rock solo or anything).  Lyrics are cliche free... I like the contrast between the first lines of the two verses - that makes the second verse really hit hard, you can feel the cruelty/arrogance in the narrator.  Vocals I thought were a bit buried in the mix though, particularly in the 'Head to Head' sections.  I did like the way the delivery conveyed a kind of lazy drawl, which is part of the narrator's backstory I guess?  But a shame to bury these good lyrics and melody... I'd be inclined to nudge them forward. Anyway great track, feels like this story needs a part three now to complete the trilogy... does she get a right to reply?
It's all too beautiful.


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« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2019, 09:56:37 AM »
@David Christy Jones - Thanks for your comments David - the muting was a continuation of the muting earlier in the song, and I kind of wanted that to re appear, I although I didn't think of letting the notes ring, I think they might get in the way of the LVox line, but I'll seriously consider this idea.

@PaulyX - Thanks Paul - very useful feedback indeed, you always take time to give me something that I can really consider, for which I am very grateful, The duration was a bit of a concern, I wondered it it finished all a bit quick, but no that's exactly how I wanted it, BAM, with the mesa's and China's ringing in your ears. Regarding the lyrics, I really wanted acrimony, how a love so rare, could become a hate so raw, as for the drawl...Yeah, that was exactly how I wanted it.

As for the mix of the BVox, your right again, I sometimes push these back too far, I suppose it's because I don't rate my voice, If I had a @LostBoy or a @Dom Hunt  for those then I would pull em up a bit, or I need to re track them.

Hmmmm...you also got me thinking....yeah I'll do a part 3....will be a pleasure...


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« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2019, 11:54:08 AM »
Hi CPM - backing is all very tastefully put together. Organ adds some interesting colour and then that guitar cuts right through and really adds energy towards the end.

I quite like the "crowd" sounding vocals - I would agree that they should come up more in the chorus.

For the lead vocal, to me it sounds too muffled/distant in verse 1 - this is an important section to situate us in the story so at least for the first couple of lines I would have it much dryer and exposed. Not an issue when the backing starts to fill out.


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« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2019, 12:06:20 PM »
 I really like this track CPM> The verses have a bit of a Doors vibe, to me anyway, but then it breaks away in the chorus, which is very cool.  8)
I agree that the vocals could come up in the chorus. Nice backing track with lots going on instrumentally. totally enjoyed the listens.
PS  I could hear this as a duo, with the female putting in her side  :)


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« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2019, 08:45:25 PM »

Lots to like in the song.
I like the overall feel of the track. It all feels a bit subdued/restrained - not trying to smash you in the face - which is a quality I like in songs.
I think the mix could perhaps do with a little tweaking just to add a bit of clarity perhaps?

Cool song though.



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« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2019, 09:51:12 PM »
Thanks again to those who took the time to listen...hmmm, I'll certainly review the mix especially the LVox in V1, great that you pointed that out. May I ask what did you listen to it on, cans, buds, speakers?

@digger72  - Your'e right about the 'not smashing you in the face' - I started off using the strummed acoustic in V1, and gradually introduced electric gtrs, ending with double mesa's boogies at the end. But I have been expeirmenting with Lead Vocal EQ and levels recently, (driven by listen to Spotify mixes) I think I didn't get it right on this, but I will...

@crystalsuzy - Hi Suze...The Doors, well that's wonderful, thanks...I'll look again at the Chorus BVox, I think I need to re track them, they sound a bit off beam, even though I've heard it 100's of times. Glad you dig. what are you working on?

@adamfarr - Hi Adam - You always find the things that I kind of miss, which is gold dust for me...The Crowd sounding vocals got me thinking, I'm not sure what you mean...Your'e spot on about the importance of V1, it does rather drop very quickly into the essence of the story. I'll make sure it's prominent.


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« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2019, 01:35:22 PM »
Hi Rich - by crowd I meant that there is no real lead and backing - all vocals seem to be equally prominent (in the first choruses). I think it’s cool (but just a bit too laid back for me in this mix).


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« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2019, 03:48:26 PM »
Hey Rich, you prolific bastard!!!😆👍🏻 I like the instrumentation, I like the lyrics, I like the singing. 😁🙌🏻 I wasnt crazy about the melody if I'm being honest...I immediately heard "Knockin on heavens door" in the verses and then couldn't shake it from my head. Sorry man.😕🤷🏼‍♂️ I also agree with the vocals on the chorus needing more presence. So there you have it...not quite my trusty left hook, but perhaps a minor jab to the major keys!!🤔🤷🏼‍♂️😆


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« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2019, 02:08:25 AM »
The only criticisms I could offer would have to do with production, and I'm no good at production and wouldn't know what to say about it, plus others have mentioned what I noticed, so I have no nits to report. I like the sound and the feel of it. I really like the background vocals. I love good BGVs. I don't have much to say, but I wanted to add my voice to the feedback.

Oh, I really like how the break starts at about 1:37. I like the first part better than the organ part, but that's just a personal preference.


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« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2019, 08:22:49 AM »
Listened again to it in the car coming to work this morning...

@CaliaMoko - Thanks Vicki for your observations and comments, funny I thogut these BV's were some of my worst, that's why they are a bit low in the mix as well as  experimenting with Lead and Backing vocal levels...good job on getting on Minnesota Radio btw. As fr the organ, some folk love it, some loathe it, I'm 'twixt the 2.

@LostBoy - Cheers Leo - If you want prolific - talk to @pompeyjazz - he's amazing...The melody seemed to work, it wasn't inpsired by 'Heavens door' (That was done to death by some bloke at an open mic venue years ago, so I can assure you that was the last thing on my mind..)I'd be happy to slot your stem on a remix if you want Leo...as for the Vox on the Chr - yeah I think they need some work...Did you knock out Ruiz the other night?

@adamfarr - Thank Adam - see what you mean...

I'll be working on it again tonight...


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« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2019, 03:07:26 PM »
Hi Rich, I love the feel of this and the understated approach to the vocals and general arrangement. I also liked the melody and the harmonies,greast chord progressions too.My live amp is a mesa boogie lonestar so no nits from me 8). IF I was being critical I'd say the mix was a little 'foggy' don't know how else to describe it :P.
Excellent really enjoyed it.


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« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2019, 12:02:49 PM »
Hi Rich, well you've really got into the head of this character! Is it you, ha ha?

Some great instrumental interludes in this and the number really bounces along.

Thought the vocal could come up in the first two choruses, for example, but you've obviously undercooked it for a reason.

The dual vocal sections really work, all pretty catchy stuff! Also liked your dramatic but abrupt ending.
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« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2019, 06:21:17 PM »
Hi Rich @cowparsleyman

Well, we never know what you're going to come up with next for sure. I got a Talking Heads vibe from this. Would like to have heard the vocals a bit more up front as I think they got lost sometimes. I thought the arrangement was very good, liked the octave solo and interesting choice of intruments. Keep em coming mate  :)