The Songwriter Forum - songwriting reviews, tips and chat

Songwriter Forum => Competitions => Topic started by: beckylucythomas on April 01, 2014, 12:04:22 AM

Title: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 01, 2014, 12:04:22 AM
Hi all! Hope everyone is fine and dandy!

It's exciting times for you lucky folks cos I've got not one but two competitions for you to cast your votes in! I know!!!!! EXCITING!!!!


First up, nominated lyrics for the March Lyric of the Month competition are:

BooBoo - Acoustic Guitar

Gallowglass - Someone to Be

hardtwistmusic - The Flying Dutchman

Jess - Crash Matt

Paulski - My Love Went South


And second up, ok i'm going to fail slightly in my duties as competition-master for this, but seriously I could not get my shortlist down from 6 to 5........ SORRY!! I just couldn't do it!!..... So it's over to you guys. Just means you have one extra fabulous track to listen to, so  :P . Here's the short-ish-list:

Boydie and Sing4me88 - Possessed By You'possessed-by-you'-boydie-sing4me88-collab/

jim morrison - Pain

montydog - Winter Window

Neil C and Grimbo - Broken Bossa Nova Blues

Paulski and Peejay - Rolling on "After the Gold Rush"'after-the-gold-rush'/

songsthatcry and Sevla - American Cars

So.... to vote....... you don't have to vote in both comps, but it would be super dooper if you do! Just pick your favourite from amongst the lyrics and your favourite from amongst the finished songs, and send me a private message (via "My Messages") with your choices by 15th April. All members can vote.

If there are any problems with any of the links, let me know!

If I need to explain anything better, give me a shout.

If I'm sacked for failing to implement the 5-song-short-list rule properly...... ummmm yeah sorry!! Decision-making not my strong point....

Enjoy......... AND DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*********************AND THE WINNERS ARE*************************

Time for the big announcements you've all been waiting for......

Lyric of the Month for March

BooBoo with Acoustic Guitar
Congratulations BooBoo!
(And the remaining votes were spread almost evenly between all the other songs, so everyone's a winner!)

Song of the Month for March

Bossa Nova Broken Blues
Congratz Neil C and Grimbo!
(My personal fave!)



Thank you so much to everyone who voted...... 24 of you out there took the time to go through the nominations and get your vote in, so I'm very grateful to you!


I believe Neil C has kindly agreed to take the reins for April SOTM (thank you Neil). We still need a volunteer to run April LOTM...... If you fancy the job, please let us know.


.......and finally........and most importantly...... Happy Birthday Jess!  ;D

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: Paulski on April 01, 2014, 01:26:27 AM
Wow - two nominations!
So humbled .. so not worthy!
Thanks to Caco for taking this on.
Thanks to PeeJay for the great lyrics - and good luck everyone!!

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: crystalsuzy on April 01, 2014, 10:55:09 AM
Way to go caco for taking this on :) both comps...WOW! :o :) great nominations  :) :)
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: montydog on April 01, 2014, 12:13:09 PM
Kudos for taking this on. Chuffed to be nominated - it's made my day :) Good luck everyone.
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: Jess on April 01, 2014, 04:44:09 PM
Eeeeeek that's me! Thank you so much for my nomination Becky and congrats to all the other nominees...after a quick peek this is going to be a hard one to vote for...

Plus voting closes the day before my birthday (just saying just saying 8))

Thanks for running this caco :-*
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 01, 2014, 07:42:06 PM
How hard is it to make a short list?!?!?!

I mean I'm totally happy that everyone that's on a short list totally deserves to be there.....but then, i think a whole bunch of other songs/lyrics deserve to be there too!

And how do you really get to say, ok that set of lyrics or that song is better than that one.... Esp with lyrics, when the way they read in your head might be totally different to how the writer intends them to sound.... And then when it comes to songs, are you judging the quality of the raw ingredients or the production values or the performance or the whole package......

So hard!!! Wish i could have nominated 10 for each category, but there you go....

Fun to pretend to be Syco for a few hours!
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 01, 2014, 07:46:12 PM

Plus voting closes the day before my birthday (just saying just saying 8))

Ooh jess we nearly share a birthday! (Well, apart from the small matter of about errrrrrrrrrm 19 years!?!?)
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 01, 2014, 07:47:35 PM
Oh and PS, I'm delighted to say I've received 2 people's votes already. Thank you early voters!!!! You rock!  ;D
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: Jess on April 02, 2014, 06:16:15 PM
CACOOOOOOOOO I voted and send you war and peace of the PM world. Okay well it's not that long, but yeah MAKE SURE YOU VOTEEEEEEE
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 04, 2014, 07:33:42 AM
So far received votes from 10 people (including me....i assume I'm allowed to vote?!  :D i only voted once!  ;D )

Keep em coming lovely people!
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: diademgrove on April 05, 2014, 09:33:35 AM
Voted for the lyric of the month. If you haven't voted please do so. I see it as a way of giving something back for all the hard work that goes into making this site what it is.

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: Paulski on April 05, 2014, 02:23:06 PM
I must note this
Breaking news
I just voted
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: diademgrove on April 06, 2014, 09:37:36 AM
Voted for the Song of the Month, difficult choice but that shouldn't put anybody off. Ideally you'll have a listen to all 6 entries and get your vote in.

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... PLEASE VOTE!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 08, 2014, 09:01:46 PM
16 votes so far! Just a little reminder....... Please vote if you can!!!

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: beckylucythomas on April 16, 2014, 07:44:25 AM
Results bump.............

(See original post)
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: Boydie on April 16, 2014, 08:34:22 AM
Well done CACO - I know how agonising this was for you and how much time you put in to this comp

Big congratz to NEIL C and GRIMBO, this was also my favourite

Also big congratz to BOOBOO - YOGI will be sooooo proud!!!!  ;D

And...      Happy Birthday JESS
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: JonnyD on April 16, 2014, 09:18:55 AM
Well done to BooBoo as well as Neil C and Grimbo

Also happy birthday Jess, have a good' un
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: Paulski on April 16, 2014, 12:49:13 PM
Hey - big kudos to Neil C and Grimbo - that was my favourite too!
And BooBoo - congrats to you too!
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: Jess on April 16, 2014, 02:26:31 PM
YAY Congrats BooBoo! I am so happy for you a very worthy winner!
And the congrats to Neil and Grimbo (is that your real name :o) toooo!
And thank you for my birthday wishes! I am celebrating by listening to Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen on repeat but I'm not quite sure why...
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: BooBoo on April 16, 2014, 03:34:01 PM
Oh I can't quite believe this. Thank you so much Caco for the nomination in the first place. Hehe I'm so happy 😃

Thank you to anyone who was mad enough to vote for me 😜
Congratulations to Neil C and Grimbo as well!!

And happy birthday Jess. It feels like you've been 14 ever since you started over a year ago so it's good to know you have a birthday 😉
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: diademgrove on April 17, 2014, 09:40:12 PM
A big round of applause caco for running both competitions this month.

Congratulations to booboo and Neil C and Grimbo for winning and for all the runners up.

Hope you had a happy birthday Jess.

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: Neil C on April 18, 2014, 09:42:23 AM
And thanks from me for the nomination and the gong.
Made my day, I was well chuffed and Robin too.
Lets see if we can keep them going..
 :) :) :)
Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: montydog on April 18, 2014, 11:01:08 AM
Congratulations to both Neil C and Grimbo. Neil, that is deffo your best work so far. Well done indeed.

Title: Re: March LOTM and SOTM nominations....... THE RESULTS!
Post by: benjo on April 18, 2014, 07:39:42 PM



                           WELL DESERVED GUYS GOOD WORK
