
Are You Saving Me

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« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2017, 03:55:15 PM »
Hi Folks,

Thanks to all who commented - much appreciated as always. I am very happy that no one mentioned the bass guitar part - I played that live along with the rest of the track and I really can't play bass at all. I got away with it here though...yipee!

Once it all kicks in...2nd verse...it sounds great and makes a lot of sense. 1st verse bare was bothering me a bit....maybe that's me! (Second listen was ok so just me not quite into it yet)

Chorus is really good with those nice backing vocals doing a great job of complementing your vocal. Not too keen on the organ there though....

The country lilt to the song is great and really works well when it kicks in. The one thing that came to me a couple of times was that I expected some particular phrases to conclude more quickly...you paused...then finished them. This is probably a personal preference which you don't seem to share so...so be it! An example is the end line of the verses and 'those songs any more'. I would just sing these through without those...pauses...but as I said personal preference....it's a flow thing for me.

Nice song with a good chorus....nice sound (apart from that organ part!)

Thank you for your thorough review! I will get my organ out less often in future :-)

I didn't see such an upbeat feel coming but was really glad it did! Some great touches all through - lyrically, including the forceps line which made me think for a moment, and musically with the ticking clock (clavé?) and the light organ and second vocal line. My instinct was that the break could have been a bit more different melodically but it absolutely came at the right time and I'm not actually convinced whether changing it would add anything. Everything working together really well here.

Thanks Adam, perhaps the organ was OK after all......

To me this has both your trademarks: great lyrics and great vocals.
Nice arrangement and production. Found the acoustic a tad too upfront in the mix and I agree with shadowfax that it could probably have a rest every now and then.
Quite catchy esp the chorus and the the break down at 2.15 works really well.
BV adds a nice touch.
Well done!
Thanks Ashes, much appreciated. I do like my acoustic guitar up in the mix and i only have one setting...

Just to clarify - the production is all ALAN - I just did the final mastering, which added a sprinkle of magic dust and gave it a slight polish to enhance the excellent writing, performance, production and mix that ALAN sent me

the mastering is by the peerless Boydie.

You are right, I don't have any friends  :'(

I absolutely LOVED this song and Jan's vocal really does lift the song to another level

I lost count of the times I listened to it during the mastering process but I never got bored of it and still just listened "for fun"

Just to clarify - the production is all ALAN - I just did the final mastering, which added a sprinkle of magic dust and gave it a slight polish to enhance the excellent writing, performance, production and mix that ALAN sent me

Great song and definitely one of my favourites of yours

Aww, shucks Boydie. I am so flattered by your lovely comments. That made my day for sure.

Neat tune.
I like the lyrics and the paired vocals.
I can also hear a full country band version of it, lingering on the chorus, which is very strong.

Thanks Neil. The problem is that all my songs would sound better if I just gave you my demo and left you to work your magic as you have recently on a forthcoming new song (builds the tension until release day). Thanks for the support

Good song Alan.
Lots to like here - the (reberby sidestick?) on the beat, the great chorus, the vocals (of course) and the harmonies. I think that's the best chorus I've heard from you lyrically and melodically  ;D
Production is fresh and folky.
One thought I had was to sing "If only we knew" - that would bring the female character nicely into the song.

Enjoyed this  ;D

Thank you for your positive comments Paul - it means a lot coming from one touched by genius such as yourself.  ;D

Hi Alan,

I think this is brilliant in parts. The first 4 lines of the verse are excellent but the change for the last two lines don't really work for me.

The same applies to the chorus, the last two lines take something away from the mood created in the first 6 lines. Lyrically I don't think you need to underline the confusion, which is more than adequately reflected in the previous lines.

Jan's voice works really well and compliments yours.

Feel free to ignore me if you disagree about the verse and chorus endings.

Finally, good production from Boydie is the icing on the cake.


Thanks Keith. I do disagree about the verse and chorus endings otherwise I wouldn't have written them like that  :) I'm pleased you still found plenty to like.

Hi Montydog, I got a nice fireside folk singer vibe from this.  Very well sung by both of you, and I thought the emotions were well balanced between a melancholic lyric but a more wistful pretty melody - it sounds nuanced and thoughtful.  On the nits side I also found the acoustic strumming pattern a little too relentless by the end of the track, but I did enjoy the appearance of the organ, the percussion touches and the BVs to add colour.  Really impactful lyrics in the last verse in particular (and your second song in a row to mention "Chromium"?) - it really leaves you thinking.

Thank you Paul. It's gratifying that the lyrics got you thinking - that's the whole point. You have a legitimate point about the guitar - relentless is all I can manage as one who has come late (50) to the guitar.. :'(

Yo Alan.

A mighty fine choon,my man.  :)

I love the rhythmic acoustic guitar,reminds me of the way folk groups use it as a percussion instrument,that way you never notice the absence of a drum kit.
The heavily reverbed rimshot sound recurring through the song is a masterpiece too. It's the loneliness of a dripping tap in an empty house right there in sound.

You've really grown into your voice,it's as warm and comfortable as an old pair of slippers beside the fire on a cold winter's day. Cosy and intimate. This doesn't mean we are engaged or anything,so don't get any funny ideas.  ;)

I wasn't 100% sold on the bridge at first,but after a few listens it fits fine.

I love Jan's voice too,it blends very well with your own.

A lovely song.  :)

Thank you Skub, your comments along with Boydie's made me go all funny. I like the idea of our engagement although my wife might not be so keen.

One of your best songs for sure, good lyrics and lovely tune..great chorus..I think the jangly guitar is over used and should be rested for a few bars somewhere, otherwise, my father said you could hear Kenny Rogers singing this...
checked Him out and I agree!!

best, kevin :)

Hi Kevin
If Kenny would like to record it, I won't stand in his way. Anyone got his number?
Thanks for the kind words.

Well that's so sad I might cry. Lovely lyrics, beautifully sung by both you and your wife. I was glad for the pauses so I could take it in. Now I feel all melancholy. Good job. I'll be thinking about this one for a while.

I got you feeling melancholy? RESULT! That's just what I wanted. If my song can change the way you feel, it's a slam dunk. Others who aren't fans of my music describe it as miserable and "woe is me" but I don't listen to them  ;D

Really like this Montydog. Love the guitar chords and the singing. And what I like best is the pace. It's nice and breezy and jaunts along well. Reminds me of Simon and Garfunkels more upbeat numbers.

Hi montydog! Like your acoustic sound and the laid back vocal delivery. A nice folk tune to the verses. I particularly like the tune on the second line of the verse. "That just went bad" - the way 'just' flicks up. The inclusion of the female harmony is great. Personally, I would have left the verse two verses solo, brought in the female vocal for the chorus, and then kept it in for the next verse after that. That way it's still fresh by the third verse, and it would lift the chorus bit much better. When I say chorus I mean the "Are you saving me/ Or am I saving you" part.

The lyrics are nice. Very sweet. Only nitpick is the line 'autumn leaves on the water'. That was my favourite when I scanned the lyrics, but you don't sing it :(

Can't comment on the production except to say it's nice and clean and professional sounding. A great folk ditty

Thanks Jack. I'm pleased you took the time to suggest a variation in the arrangement. These things are very much a matter of taste and I don't like to get into too much of a formulaic approach but I appreciate what you say.

Once again, many thanks for all your (mostly) positive feedback. What a great forum this is.