Forum Favourites March 2021

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Wicked Deeds

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« on: April 05, 2021, 04:06:00 PM »
Forum Favourites March 2021 - Decisions, decisions, decisions!

I hope I haven’t missed anyone out.  This has taken a considerable amount of time today.  I’ve been happy to step in for my buddy @kafla .  I know he’s been busy lately and will hopefully make a return when he is able.   

I believe I’ve reviewed every song that has appeared in the March 'Finished Songs' section.  There’s always something that is appealing and I try to embrace this approach whenever I review the work of others.  There are clearly some very gifted writers who make a brief appearance before disappearing.  It’s a shame when this happens. Please may I add that this forum performs at it’s best when members review as many songs as their time will allow.  We all have busy lives.  It might be difficult to review everyone’s work as I have done so today (thank you for the holiday period) but we shouldn’t expect our own work to be reviewed if we don’t extend the same courtesy to as many writers as possible.  If I’ve placed an asterix against your review,  it was a highlight or close contender for my forum favourites.

My absolute favourites for March are:

1. @sarahlawrence17 Lawrence - Grace
2. @PaulAds  - Lintz Green
3. @Jamie  - Wait For That Day
4. @ChrisPrice  - Third Man
5. @rightly - Wolves
6. @Alexander  - 10 thousand kisses

Special mentions go to:

1. @montydog  Southward Drift and
2. @pompeyjazz  - Beattie
3. @LostBoy  - Sandcastle Heart
4.  MonoDB - Ashes For Dreams

Links to songs should appear alongside the reviews below.

Beattie (The auditors)

There’s something about a descending bass line that grabs my attention.  That’s what initially switched me on to this song.  Then i listened closely to the acoustic guitars which underpin this song. They demonstrate that the musician has learned his craft, spending many years to learn about the nuts and bolts of songwriting  (It’s not something that is learned over night.)  Writers are always looking for new ways to express their innermost thoughts and I’m all for using new methods of writing but believe that the best result are achieved when the writer first learns to play his/her instrument.   How wonderful to write about an every day person who has made a big difference to the lives of people who were close to her.  Story telling through thoughtful lyrics, sentiment, strong melody and rhythm all brought together to create a strong emotional statement. *

Man Made Material

This demonstrates a writer who must have spent countless hours analysing songs and their structure.   There’s  a real craft involved, assembling the constituent parts of song. and ensuring they all fit together, taking the listener on a journey.  I don’t usually like to comment on production but believe that the production is a huge part of the songwriting processs here. Everything has it’ place and is employed to present the finished composition. The lyrical are straight to the point.  there’s no waffle.  The writer has carefully chosen his lyrics and written to a precise number of syllables.  There is no attempt at cramming words into a musical framework that they are clearly not meant to adorn. Listen to “When the fuse is lit.  The silence is broken” a classic example of production complimenting the songwriting process.  Everything belongs, existing in a space for the listener to acknowledge and admire. *

Chris Price - Electric shock

“Rebel rebel, your face is a mess.”

This one screams out accomplished!   i don’t have to make the lyrics fit.  Chris has already done a stellar job of this and that is how it should be.  As I listen, Chris could be singing the phone book.  The lyrics fit he  structure with ease.  What do I like?  Musicianship is A1,  distinctive sections existing within the song framework.  The m8 is  top quality; taking the listener on a journey that says “I’m steering this ship and it’s in safe hands.”  Lovely, accomplished musicianship, fine use of backing vocals  and it’s catchy as hell!  Well done Chris. *

Jamie -  Wait For That Day

Jamie has found his writing voice.  This is unlike anything else on the forum.  This transports me to a beautiful dream like place through both the music and well crafted lyrics.    Jamie has created a world wthin a song and few of us are able to do this.  From his opening gambit “The second hand slowly ticks”   to the hungry fox that “Licks it’s lips,”, I’m on board for the journey and I’m captivated.  *

Jambrains  - Pick Up The Pieces

Production dynamics that support a solid songwriting performance.  There’s a delightful intro Lovely verse pattern progressing on to the bridge and then a truly memorable chorus.  The main body of the song is delivered then in comes a contrasting M8 section further demonstrating how to incorporate dynamic.  Though not as strong as the rest of the song, the M8 skilfully finds a way back into the main song again.  The piano is often delightful.

@kevysc - How I Do Know

Star attraction for me is the free flowing acoustic guitar and the interplay with the bass guitar.  Solid songwriting as always from Kev that focuses on a strong instrumental performance. 

Paul Ads - Lintz Green

Most definitely one of the highlights of this months collection of songs.  The instrumentation is engaging and melodic.  The lyrics are second to none presented here on the forum.  It made me think of Jenny Agutter, then led me on a wild goose chase into 1970’s politics. I scratched the surface after multiple listens and discovered a world of ugliness and sickening treachery presented in the medium of song.  In a nutshell, that is life and Paul, often has a knack of delving on to things that many of us overlook.  His songwriting is enhanced by his curiosity and unrivalled knack of communicating serious stories through first, a veneer of innocence and accessibility.   Paul is a songwriting treasure on this forum.  He would make a fine mentor for anyone contemplating their songwriting journey. *

Mono DB Ashes For Dreams

Beautiful musical performance.  I love the selection of instruments here.  This is a top, top song.  I love the way that Karen’s voice embraces her thoughts desires and communicates them beautifully in song.  Isn’t that what songwriting at it’s best is really all about? *

Sarah Lawrence - grace

Listen to the beautiful, understated piano, the string arrangement that pulls at the heart strings, the  vocal melody that soars and dives  into the most wonderful places .  As a writer, you are quite special Your lyrics are testament to your skill and I was captivated from beginning to end!  Writing that engages the heart and the head.  “ You’re wrapped up in rainbows….you’re Thumbelina.” Anything but ordinary, you’re a writer at the top of her game! *

Monkey Love Kev ISM

Wonderful mood created in the choice of chords and stunning string pads.  The verse melody is thoroughly engaging.  This is definitely a song that creates a mood that pervade and I love that kind of writing.  As always, your bass playing is an aspect of your musicianship that is often caught on my radar, providing great enjoyment.  Accomplished songwriting ny friend. *

Unclenny - I’m here

You writing and playing is so distinctive.  Tune into the guitar work which leads us skilfully into each new area presented in this song.  A super, accomplished writer embracing traditional instruments to communicate his ideas.  Top writing! *

T J Boswell New Low

“When I was young, the stars were still in reach.”  The Lyrics speak directly to many people.  That’s a real skill.  This is such a engaging song.  A beautiful melody and wonderful lyrics.  Welcome back to the forum.

Iron Knee - Love is  hard heartache

Testimony that this forum is home to a wide reaching array of songwriters.  The charm of this song lies in the simplicity of the lyrics and instrumentation that create  a platform for the voice to soar.  A thoroughly engaging song!

The Holographic Rodeo -  Pulling Strings

The introduction to this song is wonderful.  It is so uplifting.  This is an engaging song from the onset which moves into the different sections effortlessly.  It’s admirable to hear a song that has a flow of lyrics rather than really too heavily on repetition.  Very, very accomplished with a super uplifting vibe!

Welsh Steve - The Gingerbread King

Quite possibly one of the most adventurous compositions this month.  Unusual and engaging instrumentation with on or two startlingly beautiful lyrical messages  “I saw an angel with her wings wrapped around the moon.”   It’s extraordinary and therefore worthy of notice! *

Rightly - Fold Yourself Away

Bohemian and anarchic.  Nothing is expected by the listener and so we sit back and listen.  This is a dream-like soundscape, perhaps avant-garde in the it’s approach.  Rightly is a great asset to this forum.  There’s a beautiful contrasting section towards the end that is a rare treat!

Lost Boy - Sandcastle heart

Quite possibly the most commercial writer  to frequent this forum.  Leo has a wonderful voice, is an accomplished writer and producer and has a fantastic ear for melody.  This is quite clearlyl demonstrated in this song.  Put the kettle on, put your feet up and listen to the undeniable beauty of this song.  You won’t be disappointed.  A writer who scales new melodic heights with ease.  It's a great concept to associate your heart with a sandcastle and to reveal how easily it could be trampled.  *

TonyW  - Rock ’til i Drop

The piano is a highlight here.  This is a no nonsense good time song that harks back to a bygone age of songwriting

A massive welcome back to Alexander who has presented this wonderful acoustic guitar and vocal song.  Alexander has a fantastic and very distinctive voice.  Beautiful string pads that have captured my heart and communicated unwavering beauty. This song melts my heart and that in a nutshell is what songwriting is all about! One of my top six favourites for sure!

Chris Price - Third Man (Collaboration with lyricist Nelly Tharwat)

Chris doing what he does best.  a no nonsense Rocker.  He should be a resident performer in The Cavern Club.  Chris knows what he’s doing and he does it with style.  Tune into this beauty, listen to that guitar, grab your dance partner and dance the night away to this Rocking beauty!  |If you’re listening carefully, you’ll adore the organ sitting beautifully beneath the surface of this classic song! *

Sweeney500 - Things That We Love

Testimony that songs come in many different shapes and sizes.  A great deal of work has been lavished upon the vocals here.  the two voices work together to compliment each other and rise above above a soundscape that relies heavily on keyboards.  There’s a lovely four note riff that plays a supporting role to this song.

Big Fish and the Pondettes - I’ve been Told

A riff driven song ( a highlight o this composition for me) and clear vocals that sit above the musical backing.

Magic Bones - Ghost Of A Dream

Wonderful, sinister instrumentation evident in the intro.  this is a highlight for me that pervades throughout he song!

NeilC and Simon Well - Sandbox

Neil is a songwriter in pursuit of excellence.  His willingness to experiment and collaborate with others is admirable.  The melody and chords often venture into unexpected territory and this is what makes this one stand out. *

Adam Farr - Stockholm Syndrome

Brit Pop a-la Blur and Pulp.  Adam is the writer most likely to embrace a multitude of genres.  He won’t be pigeon holed as a writer.  His lyrics are an absolute highlight of his writing ability.

Pompey jazz - a La Vie A La Mort

I’d wager that John is the forum’s most prolific writer.  He embraces his punk rock and ska roots to consistently produce work of a high standard.  The chorus here stands out as all good choruses should.  Great vocal performance from both John and Cecille.

Jamie - Atmospherics

Another song that demonstrates Jamie’s skill as a writer.  Beautiful soundscape that embraces the atmospheric theme.  You have no choice other than to sit back and delight in the beauty of this composition! *

Paul Ads - Person or Persons Unknown

My reviews are not usually influenced by production value but feel I have to compliment Paul on the production here.  He often plays down this aspect of his skill-set but this production compliments his writing so well.  I’ve noticed how Paul’s time in the studio and superb musicianship is really helping  his accomplished writing skills shine.

Boothe Hill - Paper town

Clearly accomplished songwriting.  It’s always a shame when writers of this calibre don’t stick around to share their secrets and perhaps learn a little from others too.

Cowparsleyman - Bubble Wrap my Mama

Strong rhythmic element and clear production to present a genre that I hardly feel qualifuied to appraise.  A welcome addition to the many different musical styles presented on this forum.

Montydog - Southward Drift

Alan’s finest vocal performance to date.  This is an absolutely beautiful soundscape. One to be proud of I’d say.  This simply connects and it does so effortlessly.  A forum highlight.  Strikingly, Alan is an excellent lyricist but it is the atmosphere that takes centre stage here.  *

MonoDB Open your eyes

A consistently high standard of songwriting and musical performance.  admirable choice of instrumentation and much restraint in the musical performance help present this song in the most favourable light.  the flute is a welcome and inspiring addition!  This song really gains momentum as it progresses.

A Fernando - Eyes Open

Striking chord progression to support the distinctive melody and fine vocal performance. Good use of backing vocals.  in my opinion, this doesn’t take off until the chorus arrives.  When  it does, I’m in awe of it’s beauty.  The subsequent verse arrives and I’m sold on the accomplishment of this beauty! *

Chris Spruit  Name of The Game

Obviously a very accomplished song.  I’m sitting at the bar, enjoying a well earned beer and the band commence.  The vocalist is right on the money.  This is Pro standard songwriting for sure!

Rightly - Wolves

All of the elements that  I Associate with a rightly production.  If you wish to be challenged and hear something a little off the beaten track.  Rightly is your man.  This of worthy of a nomination for ay favourites for these qualities! *

Welsh steve - Souvenirs

Crystal clear production to present this laid back song.  It’s accomplished and will be appear on the radar of many listeners.  I believe that it will be a firm favourite with repeated listens.

Hugo Walsh  - Stain

Beautiful guitar tone and equally fine vocals.  a fine songwriter  at ease with his craft. 

Andy B  - Made Of Stone

Beautiful guitar tone and of course, what follows is an accomplished song.  This has done well to pick up so many reviews.     
I can only urge you to get involved with this forum and post one or two reviews.

Neil C and Katie Wilson - Everybody Knows

A song that once again demonstrates Neils’ willingness to experiment with different genres and sounds.  The drum track is a highlight as is the use of strings with the supporting electronic bass and inclusion of subtle strings. The little blips are quite delightful and of course there’s a cool key change too.   *

Jonas - Since you’ve been gone -

A simple piano ballad that shines.  Accomplished writing that has true direction and appears to be effortless.  In the world of songwriting, the is rarely the case!

J.S.M - That's It (My Perfect Fantasy)

 A grunge- like rocker.  Perhaps lack a little in the production despite the musical interlude of strings and guitar chord stabs  followed by guitar  solo.  This song certainly has it’s moments.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 08:06:16 PM by Wicked Deeds »


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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 04:34:51 PM »
@Wicked Deeds
Thanks so much for putting this together and for your really kind words about my songs. I agree that it's important that we review other musicians' work as much as is reasonably possible. Sometimes it's difficult to say a lot if a song is really well crafted, but even a few positive words can really help. I only joined this forum fairly recently but I'm glad I did. Thanks again. :)

man made material

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« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2021, 05:08:06 PM »
@Wicked Deeds  huge props to you sir for this massive, detailed and thorough undertaking... this must have taken hours, and I’m sure covering a lot of musical styles that are not to your taste, yet you’ve paid great attention to them all... brilliant work sir!👌
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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2021, 06:24:15 PM »
@Wicked Deeds

Hi Paul, this must have been a major effort to pull together so many songs and give such detailed reviews. And, that’s before you count the time to listen to them all. Brilliant commentary, and I appreciate your kind words about my efforts. There are so many talented writers and performers on the forum, it’s a delight to be named amongst them!

Cheers Paul



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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2021, 06:27:43 PM »
@Wicked Deeds Paul - Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to do this - You're a star - It must have taken you ages. Really appreciate your efforts :)


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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2021, 07:54:49 PM »
Brilliant job @Wicked Deeds , you’ve gone above and beyond with all those reviews. A fine choice of Faves too. Thanks for the super human effort! And so fast too after only volunteering this morning. @Super Deeds is truly born!

I was initially disappointed that my song wasn’t included. Then I realised I didn’t put anything out in March. So I guess that is kind of OK.  ;) But I still sulked  ;D
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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2021, 08:08:25 PM »
@Wicked Deeds
Paul, brilliant work thank you and also thanks for adding my song in the top 6.
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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2021, 11:50:25 PM »
Yikes, Paul...what a gargantuan effort it must have been in doing this for us's a fantastic contribution...and comes from one of the very best songwriters and participants the forum has to offer too.

I'd have taken my hat off to you if I hadn't stopped wearing hats because they invariably end up giving me indigestion...

And thanks for sneaking me in up there with such good company too...that was money well spent  ;)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 12:37:24 PM by PaulAds »
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« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2021, 12:25:02 PM »
Many thanks to @Wicked Deeds for the mention in dispatches and for all the work you have put into this. Beautifully written and comprehensive. An invitation to The Palace can't be far off.



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« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2021, 11:48:10 AM »
Hey @Wicked Deeds - thanks for putting so much work in... Having done it, I can attest to the undertaking and also to the pleasure of the dedicated listening associated with the task - well worth the investment of time (although I didn't publish all my notes / write reviews for all songs like yourself and @PaulAds did so kudos to you)..

Thanks also for the nod / special mention for Gone Too Far - it's lovely to hear a song hits the mark in some way!



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« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2021, 08:59:24 AM »
Shame this has sunk off Page One already @Wicked Deeds after all your efforts. A lot of new songs at the moment, but this Faves compilation deserves a bump.

Actually, @Boydie, if you see this would you please ‘sticky’ it. Many thanks.
My latest novel: pls check it out!

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« Reply #12 on: April 13, 2021, 08:53:04 AM »
Actually, @Boydie, if you see this would you please ‘sticky’ it. Many thanks.

@MichaelA Done  ;D

There should always be the last 3 month’s forum faves stickied - I missed this one but all done now
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Wicked Deeds

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« Reply #13 on: April 13, 2021, 12:19:40 PM »
@MichaelA and Boydie thanks gents for ensuring this one doesn't disappear.
