Songwriter Forum > Feedback on Finished songs

Lets play a game 1962

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I never did any pogo sticking, but when we were kids we would build ourselves stilts and try to walk around on them. Or maybe Dad built them. The foot pieces were about 6-8 inches off the ground so we didn't have far to fall.

Yeah, I had those too, I was hoping the stilts would be higher, while my parents thought they were too high...

We also had the baked bean cans upside down with strings on that we stood on and usually twisted our ankles, whilst crying with laughter...such are kids huh?

not having too far to fall is a great idea for a song Thanks Vicki....still thinking of you both...

Yup, my dad built us stilts as well, and from what I remember they felt pretty high to me ;D Never used a pogo stick till I had kids of my own!
Almost killed myself on it  ;D they also had these moon shoes that would strap on their shoes and they would bonce around on them  ;D dangerous stuff alright :o but then I remember building my own trampoline out of an old bed spring and mattress...worked pretty good actually ;D again not too far to fall  ;D


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