Songwriter Forum > The Writing Process

The Wall

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Some how i have managed to get writers block, after a day, when i wrote loads of songs and know i can't even come up with lyrics to instrumentals or even make a good beat in my head, im pretty scared

You'll be fine. Just have a break mate!

Yes, writer's block thrives on fear, so the best way to tackle it is to give it a little down-time. Go for a walk, spend time with your friends, watch a film, give your mind a rest. The ideas will begin to flow again in good time.

One way to deal with writer's block is to just accept it as part of life. It always comes to an end so use the time to do other things in life. Self doubt won't help. Accept the inevitable and then when you're writing again we'll all say 'told you so.'  :)


i think I've decided writers block is worse than chlamydia, not that i've had the misfortune of contracting chlamydia but it's got to be worse rite?  anyway in all seriousness writers block, i think, is just another challenge and once your over it like, you end up better than before...


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