
SOTM July - the Results!

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« on: August 21, 2022, 09:53:53 PM »
Hello all!

Well, I'm back from my holidays soooo.... Time's up, counting's done!

Thanks to all who voted - not a massive turn out but I guess people are on holidays....!

A clear winner and joint 2nd place and a bunch the next level down. Quite a wide spread of votes as it would appear has been the way the last few months - something for everyone then!

So the top 3 are:

In Joint 2nd place:

@Sterix with a song that you'd have to be dead to not move to: Betrayal


@Maya Clars with the super cool and catchy : Where's the Eye?


A clear winner for @SlavaB with the super fun and funky: Accurate

Congrats to all who delivered July songs (there were some absolutely crackers in there!) and to the Top Three - and thanks a mill to those who voted..

The stats:
23 songs - 14 voters / 41 votes - 3 winners.

Any future SOTMs using this type of model, suggest we make naming yourself when you vote mandatory and impose a requirement to vote in order to be eligible to place..



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« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2022, 01:59:44 AM »
Congrats to @SlavaB - deserved it with that gem of a song. just so fun and catchy!


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« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2022, 12:59:41 PM »
Congratulations to all the podiumites. Is it worth continuing this ? It seems that there is little enthusiasm atm. Anyone want to host the next one ?


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« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2022, 01:39:23 PM »
Congratulations to all the podiumites. Is it worth continuing this ? It seems that there is little enthusiasm atm. Anyone want to host the next one ?

Well I would say that the non-response to your question is your answer...

I've done SOTM a few times now and this one has definitely been the most unresponsive. Not just in the actual votes but in the interaction right throughout the process... The busy-ness of the site / summer month definitely would have an impact. and it might be amplified by the non-pm voting, not sure.. Or maybe because I kept my update posts to the Competitions board, it's passing people by.. but I think I always have done that.. but I'm not even sure if all those placed know or care.......

Anyway.... running it I would say it's easier not to have to agonise over whittling down to a top 5 but otherwise the overhead is the same (well actually a little more) and based on this run, I wouldn't be throwing my hat in to run it again. 

Having said that, I did enjoy listening to all the songs and was happy at the time to volunteer.. and I'll be back listening again soon.



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« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2022, 06:24:03 PM »

I’ve hardly been around lately…I took a little break and have found it incredibly difficult to get back into it…it’s so good of so many of you to have made such a valiant effort to keep the ship afloat…and I’m sorry I haven’t been around to help and support your efforts.

I think I’ll start a new thread…I might as well just come out and say how I feel…

heart of stone, feet of clay, knob of butter


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« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2022, 08:05:51 PM »
On reflection...I think a seperate thread is pointless...so, in summary...

I've loved being part of the forum...in its heyday, it was amazing. Sadly, it's nothing like the place it used to be.

I've got some real friends here who I really admire and appreciate. They've helped me so much over the years...they've spurred me on to write songs when I didn't think I could, and I loved the help and support, the friendship, the Zoom chats, the songwriting challenges and the songs they've written. Many of my proudest moments here were collaborations with some of those friends. The kindness shown to me and so many lovely comments have been genuinely touching.

I've tried to help and encourage people whenever I could...and refrained from being needlessly callous or unpleasant when things have really got on my tits. There are some people here who are terribly selfish and thoughtless...and one or two who seem completely deluded...and there are some who clearly couldn't give a fuck about any idea of a community.

Furthermore, I don't have enough belief in what I write to bother much lately. I don't mind...I've managed to knock out about 100 songs over the years, most of which I'm not ashamed of or embarrassed by. In that time, I sent maybe a dozen to my local BBC Introducing...they listened to them all and decided that, with the exception of one novelty song, they didn't think them worthy of inclusion in their programme. I listened through the show that that one song did appear on, and I honestly thought most of the other songs were pretty poor...which goes to show that either I'm also delusional...or I don't know a good song from a horses ass.

It's got to the stage where I don't feel like I have anything much to contribute...and I feel a little embarrassed at how we - as a community - have fallen apart.

I'm sorry I haven't been more support to my friends here of late...I have honestly tried...I suppose my heart just isn't quite in it anymore...and I couldn't fake it to save my life.

So I won't be around much for the foreseeable either... I have a few collabs on the horizon and I'll still be writing and rambling...and playing live for as long as we can...the band diary is filling up nicely all through next year and I find I'm enjoying that much more than I'm enjoying this.

It probably won't matter soon anyway...at this rate, we'll be chopping our guitars up for firewood and only be able to turn the computer on for half an hour per day, as long as the guy next door isn't boiling the kettle...assuming that we have been good boys and girls and haven't rolled our eyes upon seeing the Prime Minister broadcasting their nightly team-talk in matching combat trousers and flak jacket. I'll likely wind up in An English Country Gulag for daring to contemplate unacceptable thoughts in the pursuit of rhyme in the dystopian nightmare that's about to finally reveal itself, throw off its finery, bare its teeth and rip our pissy little dreams into shreds.

I had a feeling that the last song I posted would be my swan song here...though I wasn't quite sure of it at the time...so, if you'll indulge me one last time, and excuse me for repeating myself...

"The darkest winter approaches
A pale horse travels the land
A sorry attempt at Utopia
Sinks back into the sand"

See you :)
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 09:15:46 PM by PaulAds »
heart of stone, feet of clay, knob of butter


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« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2022, 08:32:17 PM »
I’m very much a lurker here nowadays having only logged on twice in about year but came on tonight and seen your message Paul

I’m only commenting to say that you’ve been an inspiration to me and I’ve really enjoy the songs of yours I have listened to (shout out to Busman’s Holiday!! :D) It’s remarkable the quality of the music you (and many others here) put out and I only really found that level of appreciation when I tried for myself :P

I had a kid now and well I don’t get much time for writing and certainly not recording but am hoping to listen to more forum tracks if I can find the time. I’ll be missing yours though but fully appreciate your decision to take some time.

Enjoy your live gigs (you lucky thing! :P) and take care in the troubling times!

All the best



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« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2022, 09:12:30 PM »
On reflection...I think a seperate thread is pointless...so, in summary...

I've loved being part of the forum...in its heyday, it was amazing. Sadly, it's nothing like the place it used to be.

I've got some real friends here who I really admire and appreciate. They've helped me so much over the years...they've spurred me on to write songs when I didn't think I could, and I loved the help and support, the friendship, the Zoom chats, the songwriting challenges and the songs they've written. Many of my proudest moments here were collaborations with some of those friends. The kindness shown to me and so many lovely comments have been genuinely touching.

I've tried to help and encourage people whenever I could...and refrained from being needlessly callous or unpleasant when things have really got on my tits. There are some people here who are terribly selfish and thoughtless...and one or two who seem completely deluded...and there are some who clearly couldn't give a fuck about any idea of a community.

Furthermore, I don't have enough belief in what I write to bother much lately. I don't mind...I've managed to knock out about 100 songs over the years, most of which I'm not ashamed of or embarrassed by. In that time, I sent maybe a dozen to my local BBC Introducing...they listened to them all and decided that, with the exception of one novelty song, they didn't think them worthy of inclusion in their programme. I listened through the show that that one song did appear on, and I honestly thought most of the other songs were pretty poor...which goes to show that either I'm also delusional...or I don't know a good song from a horses ass.

It's got to the stage where I don't feel like I have anything much to contribute...and I feel a little embarrassed at how we - as a community - have fallen apart.

I'm sorry I haven't been more support to my friends here of late...I have honestly tried...I suppose my heart just isn't quite in it anymore...and I couldn't fake it to save my life.

So I won't be around much for the foreseeable either... I have a few collabs on the horizon and I'll still be writing and rambling...and playing live for as long as we can...the band diary is filling up nicely all through next year and I find I'm enjoying that much more than I'm enjoying this.

It probably won't matter soon anyway...at this rate, we'll be chopping our guitars up for firewood and only be able to turn the computer on for half an hour per day, as long as the guy next door isn't boiling the kettle...assuming that we have been good boys and girls and haven't rolled our eyes upon seeing the Prime Minister broadcasting their nightly team-talk in matching combat trousers and flak jacket. I'll likely wind up in An English Country Gulag for daring to contemplate unacceptable thoughts in the pursuit of rhyme in the dystopian nightmare that's about to finally reveal itself, thrown off its finery, bare its teeth and rip our pissy little dreams into shreds.

I had a feeling that the last song I posted would be my swan song here...though I wasn't quite sure of it at the time...so, if you'll indulge me one last time, and excuse me for repeating myself...

"The darkest winter approaches
A pale horse travels the land
A sorry attempt at Utopia
Sinks back into the sand"

See you :)

Hey Paul.

Yeah,the forum ain't what it used to be,but then nothing much is.

I think for a lot of us,life got in the way and it's hard to press reset. The last couple of years have seen me up my own arse with my Dad's failing life force and for a time I had no interest in anything outside that narrow focus. I too wondered for a while if I'd even bother with music again,but I'm glad I did,even for selfish cathartic reasons.
My impetus comes from the pleasure of making music and sometimes collabing with others. I've long since given up on things like BBC Introducing,I've never even had a reply from them. I have no desire to promote my music,I'm too old,too out of touch,too everything and not enough of what they are looking for. There is a difference between that and 'not being good enough'. My version of 'good enough' is what I pursue.

I've always dug your music Paul and I've never made shit up when commenting on your songs. You are a fine original songwriter exceptionally gifted in lyrics especially. You have the power to move the listener with lyrics.

For example,I know you never had a high opinion of your song 'So Haunt Me',but it moved me greatly. I could count on one hand the number of songs I've want to cover,but I'd steal that one if I could,it's one I wish I'd the skill to compose.


You take care man and keep putting up songs on the cloud,'cos I wanna hear them.



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« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2022, 09:52:40 PM »
I can echo everything you say @PaulAds I think we both joined the forum around the same time maybe 7 years ago. I think that I've put in a bit of effort on the forum over the years but these days I just can't be arsed considering the pitiful response to any initiatives and like @MonnoDB I won't be leaping in to volunteer. I have met some wonderful people on this forum, people that I genuinely consider good friends and through the various collaborations have shared many wonderful musical moments. Like Davy @Skub says, I have long given up on any promotional bollocks and just enjoy making music, either with myself or with others. The one way approach has been main problem with the forum when folks post songs without making any effort to respond to others efforts. I'll be around here for sure. I have so many wonderful collaboration memories with you guys.  Big love, John


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« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2022, 01:44:16 PM »
Hey folks - also cool with suspending the SOTM - even in these slacker days having someone trawl through pages of songs seems not easy or worth it.

It's sad that the life has drifted out of the forum a bit these days - maybe just bad luck that some of us are less productive or present - or good luck that there were some years of real highlights. But where are the similar people coming through?

I'm actually feeling reasonably creative lately and have a few things on the way, which I'll continue to post here. And I still enjoy giving the dubious benefit of my opinions (many of which were also forged here). This has been the one forum that I could ever more or less keep up with, and I hope to stay in touch.

Is it what it was? No. Is it still a fine place to listen, get feedback, hang out, find a collaborator? Yes, and there's no reason that it shouldn't keep being that and pick up again naturally.

I think with the right spirit it's fine to be here in a small or big way with no pressure to do anything in particular (except not be a jerk).

Anyhow, P&L to all


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« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2022, 02:03:35 PM »
Hmm I didn't mean to trigger this with my post... It was simply related to SOTM - musings and ramblings of time and effort vs value and interest....

I also will continue to post (although my output is low at the moment...) and review here - yes it's slower and that may or may not pick up..

@PaulAds - sorry to hear you feel like that - I was very happy to see you back and I still hold out hope that you'll share here.. but as with others, I'll be keeping an eye out on SC..

I mean, how could you possibly not turn this into a song????:

It probably won't matter soon anyway...at this rate, we'll be chopping our guitars up for firewood and only be able to turn the computer on for half an hour per day, as long as the guy next door isn't boiling the kettle...assuming that we have been good boys and girls and haven't rolled our eyes upon seeing the Prime Minister broadcasting their nightly team-talk in matching combat trousers and flak jacket. I'll likely wind up in An English Country Gulag for daring to contemplate unacceptable thoughts in the pursuit of rhyme in the dystopian nightmare that's about to finally reveal itself, throw off its finery, bare its teeth and rip our pissy little dreams into shreds.
Classic PaulAds creativity I say.... I've always loved your songs.. You know this.. Anyway, take care of yourself..

Onwards and onwards, I guess..



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« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2022, 08:50:48 AM »
Hi, I'm more than happy to organise August's SOTM... or the next couple of months if you guys like.  @pompeyjazz and I redesigned it a couple of months back to be as 'low maintenance' as possible so I don't mind filling in the voting form with the songs for a bit.  I'm out in the woods today but will aim to do August's tomorrow. Personally I don't think it matters too much if 5 people vote or 50 people vote; 50 would be nice but any recognition from 5 songwriting peers for whoever wins is still a nice thing.

As for the 'forum ain't what it used to be', well this convo comes up every 6 months or so doesn't it... I remember something similar being one of the first posts I ever read here, when I turned up 5 or 6 years ago.  I guess people will get what they want from it and it will ebb and flow, and I guess that's OK.  I'm massively grateful to a bunch of you (not least @PaulAds ) for the comments and collaborations and inspiration, so I hope you'll still wander into the boozer from time to time, even though they've now installed Sky Sports...  we can still sit in the corner for a game of dominos.
It's all too beautiful.