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Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Fly With Angels
« Last post by Elvis Nash on Today at 07:06:51 PM »
Tracks were produced by Troy Johnson , Nashville . I added the BGVS from African Gospel singers , They blend pretty well with me .Though I wrote maybe 40 melodies in 23 to 24 for songs .. I lost track maybe it's 30 ....Troy wrote the melody on this
Thanks man
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Do You Dare?
« Last post by Paul V on Today at 07:05:15 PM »

I often neglect to showcase my guitar playing in favour of the song but I've had a change of heart lately, especially when playing acoustic. 


I hope that you are well and thank you for dialling into this song. Thank you for noticing that I have devoted some time to this production. Mostly thank you for your warm welcome!


@MonnoDB,  hello Karen.  I hope that you are well. I'm always unsure about my voice.  I like certain aspects and others, not so much.  I can sing in a really powerful manner but I don't like what I hear so I favour a softer approach. The higher register is my go-to approach though It's not the most natural for me.  Perhaps I should deliberately sing in a lower register to discover what happens.  :)


@Jazz101, hello George and thank you for your kind words.

@Elvis Nash thank you so much.  I do devote much attention to the production, guitar, is something that I have rediscovered my passion for lately.  I've been playing for more than 40 years but it's always been secondary to writing.  :)


Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Fly With Angels
« Last post by Paul V on Today at 06:50:53 PM »
@Elvis Nash

Beautiful backing vocals to introduce the main vocal, which in my opinion is filled with character.  The production throughout is excellent and the melody is spot on!  Underpinned by a cool guitar too.  Everything to like here and nothing to dislike.

Feedback on Finished songs / Re: If You Go
« Last post by RC James on Today at 12:59:43 PM »
Mora - Sorry about that - the lyrics are in there now.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: Escaping
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on Today at 11:01:08 AM »
This sound pretty current on a pop level really
Yup were all running , nice job Mora

Hola chico!! Ya te digo! I ended up very tired after recording myself running in the place... I did it in one go!  I am a professional escape artist hahaha. Have a good day there!!! @Elvis Nash
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: If You Go
« Last post by moraamarolaloba on Today at 10:57:32 AM »
Hola buenos días @RC James
Beautiful lyrics but... where is the link to the song? 8)
The Bar / Re: Worth a read, certainly worth a listen
« Last post by rightly on Yesterday at 07:03:34 PM »
Yes i read through all of that
It's a powerful couplet

Distractions such as hurry
Often work well. But just as often don't.
Feedback on Finished songs / Re: What would you dream
« Last post by Jazz101 on Yesterday at 06:54:12 PM »
Thanks Elvis your opinion is always valued, really appreciate it,

Feedback on Finished songs / Re: What would you dream
« Last post by Jazz101 on Yesterday at 06:52:49 PM »
Thank you Paul for your feedback, it is greatly appreciated
Feedback on Finished songs / If You Go
« Last post by RC James on May 31, 2024, 09:44:08 PM »

One thing’s for sure, if you go
You'll turn my world around
Sun won’t come up, I’ll go stone crazy
If you commence to leave this town

If you go
Ohh baby, if you go

I’ll get another job don’t worry
The lights and water turned back on
Don't be in such a gosh darn hurry
Why can’t you at least wait ‘til dawn

Now hold on, it’s a doggone fact
We had our share of good times
I told you eventually I’d pay you back
All you remember are my little crimes

You go on your cross country jaunt
Our dreams will go up in smoke
I’ll give you anything you want
And you know that’s not an idle joke

Reconsider the consequences
After everything we’ve had together
You gonna go an’ call ‘em coincidences
You got me wantin’ to ride hell for leather

If you go
Ohh baby, if you go
If you go
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