popular song review

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« Reply #15 on: March 28, 2012, 02:07:03 PM »
I'd be as happy as a factory owner manufacturing bullets for the army as i would writing songs like this. Sure, the money would be nice.... but could i live with my conscience?
Maybe a bit too dramatic... but still.


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« Reply #16 on: March 28, 2012, 02:14:00 PM »
Why do songs have to be obscure to be perceived as accomplished.  What is wrong with predictable?  Sometimes I want to watch a film that really stimulates my emotions and is thought provoking and other times I want to watch a romcom or an action movie where I don't have to think.  Both serve a purpose surely and I see this applying to music too.

I would be more than happy to have written this and I would definitely enjoy commercial success  :P


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« Reply #17 on: March 28, 2012, 02:23:23 PM »

What makes you think i`m happy doing it as an amateur?

Write good songs with commercial appeal,isn`t that what most songwriters would like to achieve .

This isn`t such a bad song,i think your being a bit to purist,and it`s made her a lot of money,if she asked you to help her, on her next song, would you refuse, would i..doubt it,

And i agree Tone,,the lyrics are simplistic,,scars and cold, soul, ice...these are for teenagers ..65 + million veiws on Youtube,they got something right.

I really don't know if you are happy doing it or not, but I would have though that doing something you don't like for money is just wage slave not artistic.

Commercial appeal would be nice. But commercial appeal is now and has always been what the Marketing guys think they can sell quickly for the most profit. Now and again something a bit more unusual pops its head up and gets popular. Quickly followed by numerous clones driven by the industry and fuelled by wannabes. This again is not new.

I think it not a bad song, I just think that the professional songwriters and musicians with the full extent of their full-time working, industry connections, equipment, studios and opportunities....they chose to send out another bland, by the numbers tin of beans. Industry is right and a lazy industry at that.
If she wanted to record one of my efforts, I'd say go for it and take the cash. I may not have that much talent but I use it trying to write stuff that I like. If other like it too then that's gravy but I'm not a jobbing songwriter so I don't have to compromise or customise my output for anyone. It's remarkably freeing.

Finally I'm not a teenager. As a teenager, everything is new. It's not a fault it's just the way it is. I have been listening to music (all genres) for over 40 years and have gone back and listened to stuff released and written long before I was born. I have had the time to do so, a luxury not available to a 17 year old. So as a result there is very little that I hear now that is new.

You asked for a review of the song, not how good is it at attracting you tube hits. Well I'm comparing it to all the music I have heard...... and it doesn't come in the top 10,000 and I think I've explained why without prejudice.
I also know that a song can appeal for reasons other than the music itself. It reminds you of a time or resonates with a feeling or a place of a friend or just it was playing that night something special happened, but those are personal reasons for liking it I've got dozens of those. They mean the world to me but maybe would get slagged to hell if I posted it here.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 02:37:36 PM by mihkay »
I have no authority or standing here, only opinions. :-)


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« Reply #18 on: March 28, 2012, 02:34:26 PM »

People enjoy eating crisps and billions of pounds are spent each year on bin liners! I'd rather have invented the bin liner and sold it to every home in the world than invent a single iPod and only I get to use it.

hey, each to their own, I just detect a little snobbery on this forum at times.  :'(

BTW, I'd be very happy if I could make a living from songwriting, even if it was 9-5.

I detect a bit of defensiveness on this forum at times.   ;D 8)

We were asked what we thought about a song, not about whether it would be commercially successful.  ::)

All I was asking was, in an supposedly creative medium, does everything have to be driven by money and popularity? Reducing the argument further. Is being famous for being famous worth it?
I have no authority or standing here, only opinions. :-)

tina m

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« Reply #19 on: March 28, 2012, 02:38:41 PM »
i thought we were supposed to review the song .....not say its good becos it  made  a lot of money for the writer & singer?
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« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2012, 02:53:14 PM »
i thought we were supposed to review the song .....not say its good becos it  made  a lot of money for the writer & singer?

Agreed but I think to give an objective review, you also need to know what market the song was intended for and judge it accordingly. Personally I hate listening to blues music as to me it's basic, contrived and simplistic but I can tell the difference between a "good" blues song and a "bad" one and can review a blues song objectively without resorting to a quick opinion because I dislike the genre.


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« Reply #21 on: March 28, 2012, 03:02:45 PM »
i thought we were supposed to review the song .....not say its good becos it  made  a lot of money for the writer & singer?

I think the general agreement is, thats it`s good trash,don`t know what else too add.Some ar`n`t going to  say anything good,others thats it`s catchy and visual and commercial,a clever bit of merchandising...

Let`s do Katie Melua "the flood" next ::)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 03:05:08 PM by songsthatcry »


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« Reply #22 on: March 28, 2012, 04:12:14 PM »
Now i think there must be something seriously wrong with me for liking it  :-[ :-[

Katie Melua , cool stick it up STC
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« Reply #23 on: March 28, 2012, 04:16:33 PM »
Now i think there must be something seriously wrong with me for liking it  :-[ :-[

Katie Melua , cool stick it up STC

OK..The Flood



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« Reply #24 on: March 28, 2012, 04:21:25 PM »
hehe. I'm loving the discussion on this one :)

Here's my opinion for what it's worth. ;) THis is in reply to the first song posted.

It's shit.
It's not well produced at all because it is OVER produced. It's plain, boring and been done a million times before. But even that is ok
if you manage to pull it off by being an amazing singer.

Someone said... not sure who now, "Why does music have to be obscure to be good, why can't music be predictable."
Well of course the answer is it can and is.  The problem is that when you are a child you start off by reading "peter and Jane" books.
This is fine when you are a kid. Those books will keep your inerest and you'll enjoy them, but read them as an adult and it's very different.
Those simple story lines will not keep your attention anymore and you certainly wouldn't want to read a compendium of them.

I see the mostly garbage that's in the "pop" charts the same way. It's pretty much always "Peter and Jane" stuff. And as a more accomplished musician
that doesn't cut it for me anymore, I have grown up and moved on to more detailed books, so to speak.
The trouble is that it is an industry. And whenever there is a lot of money to be made out of something, it will get taken over by the business men.
They make sure that what mostly sits in the popular charts is what THEY think people want. The choice of hearing good accomplished musicians is taken away by an industry that
spoon feeds us like we are all imbeciles. This means that everybody gets used to hearing music that is very much the same and the business men have an easier job
of getting those songwriters without a soul to keep reproducing the same old shit.

Saying,"I wish I'd wrote it." to me is like standing next to someone who slaps "War and Peace" down on the table feeling proud that something of value and something
of beauty has been crafted and then you bang "Peter and Jane" down still feel you can compare yourself. There's nothing great about Peter and Jane. It's boring. Unless you are a child.
And let's face it, teenagers are mostly who the popular charts are aimed at, and all those people who never venture far from listening to nursary rhymes for adults.
The reason for this is that to teenagers all these songs and repeated simple chord patterns are new! They haven't heard them a million times before... So they can keep seeling the same old thing
to them. As an adult... Well if you haven't moved on then you obviously haven't invested enough time listening to other forms of music and haven't moved on from the kids stuff.

Someone said blues is simple... Yes it is. But it has feeling and that's the difference.

There are some good songs make it into the charts having said that, although as soon as a new trend starts, the business men and producers with clean it up and sterilise it
and turn it into a weaker shadow of what it began as.

If anyone is proud to write Peter and Jane, clean it up, over produce it, make it into something that has no soul whatsoever, then cool, but I'll not be listening to it.
As an artist, craftsman, I'm not happy putting things together from ikea... I want to be in the shed using a lathe to create something if not totally unique and original then at least
something heading in that direction.

This is why I asked could it NOT be ONLY popular music but maybe something that's not been in the charts but that has still sold albums or whatever.
Something different from blar blar black sheep.

There are certain parts of the melody that are ok but it's another nursary rhyme.

Sure I would like to make money out of my music but I draw the line at selling my soul and having it removed from what I write. Even the soulless songwriters who churn this stuff out
for "the market" probably think it's shit.

Don't forget that a different response would be had from none musician/songwriters. But when asking people who are talented themselves in the same field to review something like this
I think the reaction is how I would have exected it. Again I will compare it to asking serious book reviewers to review "Peter and Jane".

But I suppose if you are not bothered about being really creative in music and you don't wish to push yourself then it would be a good career. An empty one, but you'd probably make a lot of money.
Hope you succeed :)

« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 04:44:02 PM by Schavuitje »
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« Reply #25 on: March 28, 2012, 04:41:24 PM »
Schav.... that's a load of rubbish! you have a very opinionated a simplistic view of music!

I assume from that tirade, you consider yourself a better, more original songwriter than Lennon/McCartney and co and are obviously striving to create a song that melts the listener into some kind of aural orgasm whereupon the universe will explode.

The definition of success is all in the mind. If you want to be successful at writing music that you consider better then anything anyone else could ever produce then that's fine, keep it to yourself. Just don't berate people who produce other forms of music. You are basically saying that anyone with less musical experience than you don't deserve music and some how you start off in life not appreciating what music is. Total crap.

.. as for the career aspect, what do you do as a job? Astronaut? Lord Mayor? Pope?
I reckon you're the type who walks round art galleries loudly proclaiming "a kid could paint that!"
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 05:01:14 PM by hofnerite »


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« Reply #26 on: March 28, 2012, 05:16:39 PM »
Well for me it`s a song/vid with loads of impact, that i watched quite a few times when it came out, but it does`n`t entertain me now too much..........now
I don`t think she`s a good songwriter,but she does have some interesting ideas.
The vids a bit gay for me,but it`s different...it almost all belongs, in a westend show,,,
Theirs an artist i know(with a record deal),i used to send her lyrics to look at..an when i met her, i sort of  suggested she do a song like this..to get more noticed.....suffice to say i no longer send her anything..lol

tina m

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« Reply #27 on: March 28, 2012, 06:28:54 PM »
Well for me it`s a song/vid with loads of impact, that i watched quite a few times when it came out, but it does`n`t entertain me now too much..........now
I don`t think she`s a good songwriter,but she does have some interesting ideas.
The vids a bit gay for me,but it`s different...it almost all belongs, in a westend show,,,
Theirs an artist i know(with a record deal),i used to send her lyrics to look at..an when i met her, i sort of  suggested she do a song like this..to get more noticed.....suffice to say i no longer send her anything..lol

i think the katie melua song should have a new thread..... its getting a bit mixed up with the first one?
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« Reply #28 on: March 28, 2012, 06:45:22 PM »
Well for me it`s a song/vid with loads of impact, that i watched quite a few times when it came out, but it does`n`t entertain me now too much..........now
I don`t think she`s a good songwriter,but she does have some interesting ideas.
The vids a bit gay for me,but it`s different...it almost all belongs, in a westend show,,,
Theirs an artist i know(with a record deal),i used to send her lyrics to look at..an when i met her, i sort of  suggested she do a song like this..to get more noticed.....suffice to say i no longer send her anything..lol

i think the katie melua song should have a new thread..... its getting a bit mixed up with the first one?

Maybe , but i don¬t think any ones going to say anything different than from..J of H`S .

tina m

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« Reply #29 on: March 28, 2012, 07:03:13 PM »
ok this is totally great becos its got loads of  fit young guys half naked & muscley all thru the video.....so its a brilliant song ok ;D
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