
Difficulties reviewing...

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« on: December 08, 2017, 12:14:37 PM »
I listen to a *lot* of songs that get posted on this forum. Probably at least 50% (2-4 a day). But I review far far less than that.
I still review far more than I ever post, but I have a hard time thinking of anything useful to say on most of what I listen to.

Thats not to say its' bad. Sometimes its good and I cant think of anything other than 'its good'.
Many times its simply not a style or genre of music that really pricks my ears up (and I am probably annoyingly fussy in this area), but I can appreciate the craft that has gone into it.
Thats where I have a really hard time thinking of something useful to say.

How do you go about finding something constructive you can comment upon?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2017, 12:29:26 PM by Ramshackles »


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« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2017, 12:28:04 PM »
Thank you for your confession. :)

It takes time to listen, probably several times and review.You have to look at so many aspects to give a rounded opinion...personally i'm content  if someone  says they just liked it.


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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2017, 02:50:57 PM »
Currently I'm not listening to very much, although I check in to see the activity on a regular basis. It kinda feels like a community to me...like going and sitting around in the student union/coffee shop in college and watching everybody....

As far as coming up with constructive criticism. Some days I have lots to say and other days (especially at present when there's so much drama going on in my family, using up so much of my energy) I can barely think of a thing.

Specifically, though, production is definitely not my thing, so I seldom provide feedback on it. Except for really obvious things, like if one part is drowning out everything else. Plus, unless the person posting asks for feedback on production, I figure the whole idea is to give feedback on the song itself--the construction of the words, how the words and music fit together, that kind of thing. Prosody is important to me. I listen to see if the rhythm of the musical phrasing fits the rhythm of the words. For instance...the word "frustrated". Does it come out like it should, that is: "FRUS-tra-ted"? Or is it more like "frus-TRA-ted" (a popular singer did that a couple years ago or so, and it still rubs me the wrong way). And if the topic is happy, does the music sound happy? When the words talk about, say, "low places", does the pitch drop down for the word "low"? Do the words flow in a natural way or does the songwriter use "yoda-speak"?

And, since the idea is to provide constructive criticism, I try to come up with examples of ways to improve the problems I perceive. Sometimes people want things the way they wrote them for a reason, so I try to remember to mention all my ideas for improvement are based on my personal opinions and they may not agree. And that's okay.

By the way, when people review my work, I really like it when they find a lot of problems for me to work on. It helps me get better and, for some reason, I just like being able to "sink my teeth" into studying their remarks and using them to get deeper into the workings of my song.

I hope this is at least a little helpful....



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« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2017, 03:56:11 PM »
Yeah, I've been finding it more and more difficult recently for some reason.

I think the volume of songs has increased which means I'm in more of a rush so as to get a few done and i I I often think my comments are vague and superficial and probably useless.

I also find it hard for members who consistently post high quality material. When there's very little to suggest improvements on, I'm with you, working out how many different ways I can say it's good, I liked it.

Also quite difficult when the song is perhaps good but a genre I don't like, or even worse not good and a genre I don't like. Where do I separate my the song and my dislike of the genre, is the genre influencing my view of the song??



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« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2017, 10:56:01 PM »
Have to agree with all of the above. It's difficult to devote time in busy lives and nobody should have to apologise for not reviewing. I also have to say that there is such high quality stuff on here that I feel very inept to criticise much. My most valuable lessons in recording techniques, not so much songwriting techniques were learned here and I try to pass on my experiences through collaborations. Anyway, rambling. The main thing is that this forum is an amazing community of diverse personalities getting it together  :)


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« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2017, 12:41:30 AM »
I listen to a *lot* of songs that get posted on this forum. Probably at least 50% (2-4 a day). But I review far far less than that.
I still review far more than I ever post, but I have a hard time thinking of anything useful to say on most of what I listen to.

Thats not to say its' bad. Sometimes its good and I cant think of anything other than 'its good'.
Many times its simply not a style or genre of music that really pricks my ears up (and I am probably annoyingly fussy in this area), but I can appreciate the craft that has gone into it.
Thats where I have a really hard time thinking of something useful to say.

How do you go about finding something constructive you can comment upon?

Personally I dont sit in rooms anymore, long before internet and songwriters forums.

I guess what im saying is "I read it all before" but still, im hearing great songs and reading great lyrics.

But are they  8)


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« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2017, 01:05:02 AM »
I think sometimes there is a sense of pressure to review songs. It is partly that it is a rule of the forum to review if you want reviews (which is reasonable) but, for me at least, also that I want to show my appreciation of comments on my songs by reciprocating.

I have caught myself reviewing for the sake of and then realising that I actually need a break, even just a cup of tea or something, so I can give a song the attention it deserves. In that I think I'm saying quality over quantity is better.

Also I find sometimes that I have my review hat on whenever I listen to forum songs. This can spoil the pleasure of just listening and also makes me kind of picky sometimes in that I look for things that might not be 100% there or not to my liking. Sometimes it's nice to put music on and just enjoy it.

I guess as well there is no section for songs that don't require feedback. Or maybe it's that term 'feedback' that a bit loaded. I think some members work of such high quality that they don't need feedback more that 'really liked it, that's great'.

Anyway...waffle waffle! I struggle too!

I final note: sometimes a 'like' on soundcloud is worth a thousand words :)


All the best


Ps sorry for the typos...too tired to correct :P and I'm on my phone
« Last Edit: December 09, 2017, 01:06:58 AM by Darren1664 »

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« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2017, 06:22:36 AM »
Yeah it's difficult. Time. Inclination.

Thinking...I ought to review this song cos he/she always reviews mine (even if the reviews are not really very illuminating) or this bloke never reviews mine even though I've reviewed several of his or this bloke never reviews anything or does this bloke really think I want to listen to 25 of his songs a year?

I try to give thorough reviews not just 'Cor, great song' or 'laid-back, jazzy vibe man' though at least that is better than nothing I suppose.

I get a bit dogged off when I only get a dozen reviews and somebody who contributes next to nothing gets as many and also when this happens to somebody else who I think deserves to get more.

I try not to consider any of the above but inevitably some of this does creep in.

And yes sometimes I simply cannot in all honesty be nice about something so I don't say anything....so maybe this is why some people don't review mine then!

Yes, it's tricky!

And a lot gets posted which can be daunting. I have long advocated a one song per month rule instead of the 2 weeks we have at present. I think that this would ease the pressure some people feel and give more time for songs to be reviewed before they drop off page 1 into obscurity forever.

But...I know this doesn't sit well with some people and I can happily suggest it knowing that it won't stifle my output!
Take it easy.

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« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2017, 08:27:53 AM »
I think it's enough to say, enjoyed your song, thank you for posting it,
you don't have to get into anything technical if you don't want to...
I tend to keep my reviews short because I'm usually listening while traveling in the motor and I just get my wife to make a few notes which I add to the forum later...
if something blindingly obvious sticks out..mention it, if not, just say you enjoyed the listen!! easy :) :)

so..nothing wrong with a short uncomplicated comment my friend :) :)
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« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2017, 09:33:37 AM »
I think we all get this from time to time - and actually nothing wrong with any personal criteria for reviewing (Rule 1 - there are no rules...).

Sometimes I like the options on Soundcloud - can comment or ‘like’ or both. Could a like button be handy on this forum?


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« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2017, 11:26:23 AM »
I think the easiest way to approach this is to simply think about what feedback you would appreciate on the songs you posts

Sometimes a simple "loved the song" is enough to give you the feedback that you have written a song that someone appreciated

The beauty of this forum is that we have such a diverse mix of peeps that a song where one person may write a few words - another may write an essay depending on how much the song "connected"

I would also suggest that reviews should not get too hung up about what type of feedback to give whether it is lyrics, melody, performance, production, mixing etc. - as long as it is CONSTRUCTIVE then anything goes. There are such a range of "pet loves" by the members here (I might lean toward production, VIVKI might lean towards lyrics, SHADOWFAX may lean toward melody etc. etc.) most songs get a pretty even split

Just comment about what strikes you about the song - whether it be an immediate first impression or several considered listens

This then allows the original poster to identify any "trends" in the review - e.g. Different people have different views on how loud the vocals should be, I might like "in the mix" and someone else might prefer them on top of the mix. The system being used will also affect the vocal level

However, if the majority of reviewers comment on the vocals not being loud enough the OP can use this feedback to take a look at the song

I will argue until the cows come home that a "song" when posted for reviews IS more than Melody and lyrics - the whole package (melody, lyrics, production, performance etc.) are fair game for review

HOWEVER - the most important thing IMHO that helps reviewers, and gets more helpful reviews for the OP, is to actually state in the original post EXACTLY what feedback you are after

If you know your vocals are not good enough but you want feedback on the melody and song structure - just say so. This will prevent a gazillion comments saying the vocals could be better and will also help the reviewers focus their minds

So, I would conclude that the difficulties reviewing songs is directly related to the original post

A person that just puts up a song and says "would love your feedback" is going to be much harder to review (and will therefore get less reviews) than someone who considers what feedback they want, posts the lyrics and then gives thoughtful reviews to others
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« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2017, 10:28:20 PM »
Interesting thread and some good tips from Boydie above. I also find reviewing difficult sometimes. i think in general, most people stray towards safe reviews, and I'm no different. I.e lean towards positive. However, I'm trying to be a bit more critical now in my reviews or at least offer at least one area where I can suggest an improvement, but that can be difficult when so many songwriters here offer work of a consistently high standard.
I think what helps are the competitions so it's another way that folks can get feedback if there song is outstanding.