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Sideways S

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« Reply #15 on: October 12, 2020, 03:32:32 PM »
@Sideways S - Again welcome here Mr Sideways, I've been following the US presidential race/circus/merry dance with interest. (in fact the US presidential race to the white house does remind me a bit of a ballroom dance of 2 people that can dance, forever tripping, up, getting up again, stepping on each others toes, getting mad etc. but all the time appearing as if they know what they are doing, and then privately exhaling saying, I'm glad that's over)

Just dig everything about this, from the logo, to the  multi cam video technique (great editing btw), the mix is really good too,

A great idea and beautifully executed, I really look forward to you next work.
Well, to quote the late, great Yogi Berra "It ain't over 'til it's over." I get the feeling that even after the race is decided it will not really be over, but that's a whole long discussion I don't really think we should get into here.
Glad you like the logo, I don't think most people pay it much mind. I use a green version here that I should update because I have a better one. I think the bright green stands out more, but I'm lazy about changing it everywhere.
The video was actually shot in several takes with one camera. Each subsequent take zoomed in closer. I am not a proficient lip syncer, so it helped to have multiple takes from which to choose.  I was initially uncomfortable with the editing because in my mind it was one long take, and because there are cuts in the middle of words. But no one else had those thoughts, so I abandoned them.
Thanks for listening and for your positive feedback!


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« Reply #16 on: October 13, 2020, 09:55:27 AM »
Great work. The lyrics are top quality all through (Eight years of firearms training, and KK Karens, made me smile). I think the fiddle really makes it, well worth it I'd say.

I think we're blissfully unaware of the numbers of people who might genuinely hold some of these beliefs and so are taken by surprise with some of the politics that we see unfolding in the USA.

Cool song! (Though I'll confess I also didn't know that use of Cracker)


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« Reply #17 on: October 14, 2020, 07:21:37 PM »
Nice tie :)! Great lyrics, delivered beautifully!  And yes over here (Ireland in my case), we're all a little stunned by the fact that so many people apparently actually hold these views.. But there you go.. hopefully not enough...

Top quality all around - writing, performance and did I mention the tie? :)

Welcome to the forum @Sideways S  (cool pic).

(Not KK) Karen... 

Sideways S

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« Reply #18 on: October 15, 2020, 06:23:05 PM »
@adamfarr @MonnoDB - Thanks for your comments. The Klu Klux Karens line almost ended up in the outtakes bin.  I had removed it, but at the urging of a friend I reinserted it. I had too many "Free from the..." lines, and the song was already too long. It's a rich topic, and there are many ethnic, religious, and other groups availble to insult :-) Though it's best to stay away from Scientology (they'll sue you) and Islam (too many easily-offended militants have cast their shadow over it).


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« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2020, 11:34:46 AM »
Hi, I'm confused by this song, and it may be a cultural divide. For me the context of this song can make it acceptable or unacceptable to me. Is it's intention to be a celebration of good ol' American right wing freedom, extreme views and beliefs, or a satyrical and critical look at extremism, racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia etc?

Cheers 8)


Sideways S

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« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2020, 01:47:39 PM »
Hi, I'm confused by this song, and it may be a cultural divide. For me the context of this song can make it acceptable or unacceptable to me. Is it's intention to be a celebration of good ol' American right wing freedom, extreme views and beliefs, or a satyrical and critical look at extremism, racism, misogyny, bigotry, homophobia etc?

Cheers 8)

It is most definitely a satire. You are the first person not to see that, AFAIK. Thankfully you're asking the question, not making a statement :-)
If you go to the youtube page you'll see that I say it explicitly in the description, much as it pained me to do so. It's only in these twisted times that you have to preemptively tell the audience that it's comedy. It's like giving a hint about the punchline before you tell the joke, not exactly conducive to laughter.
And imagine if it was a serious set of lyrics - did you read the previous laudatory comments here on this thread? How did you interpret the responses of your fellow countrymen and forum dwellers?
« Last Edit: October 16, 2020, 02:49:57 PM by Sideways S »


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« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2020, 07:11:53 PM »
@Sideways S

Thanks for the clarification. I may not be the only person not to see it but I may be the first person to ask for clarification. I don’t know anything about you, and, as you say ‘ in these twisted times’ type of posts can be misrepresented by people who’ll use anything to ‘prove’ their argument... ‘fake news’ etc etc. So I make no apology for asking. Having said that it is a well executed and incisive piece of satire, as long as it is portrayed as such. Good luck with it, it’s professionally and impressively presented.



Sideways S

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« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2020, 11:33:53 PM »
@MonnoDB - I forgot to respond about the tie. I had trouble finding a confederate tie online (none in local stores here, obviously). I found a great one, but when I clicked to purchase I was informed it was out of stock. I then found this particular tie in a news article about a sheriff in some Southern city that had been called out for wearing it. I found out the designer/brand name and found their brand page, but then I had to sift through around 20 pages of ties and adverts - no sub-search was helpful. Finally I ordered it with expedited shipping because the whole video was on short notice.

Then I waited, and waited, and the delivery date passed, and the US Postal Service said it had not been delivered. More days passed, and it was the day before the video shoot. I was assuming I'd have to use another not-so-apropos tie. Turns out the tie was delivered on time and was in my "casillero" here in Costa Rica waiting for pickup. That works by shipping to a forwarder in Miami. USPS still said the tie had not been delivered. I could have asked for a refund based on that, but I'm too freaking honest :-)